A way of expressing yourself and your own creativity without using words
" This art piece is a reflection on how I see the world from my eyes"
A great way to express yourself and who you are!!
Art is my favorite subject in school
Art is a expression of emotion and is central to the devolpment of human culture. There are many types and styles of art and some notable artists are Van Gogh and Lil' Pump
-At a little-league baseball game-
Horrible Dad 1: I am truely an art fanatic after my son Jimmy made a wonderous piece of art at school today
Horrible Dad 2: Wow! What was it of?
Horrible Dad 1: I don't know, looks like a brontosaurus mixed with a convertable limo, bu thats beside the point
Horrible Dad 1: I Framed the painting and put it in the living room and every visitor absolutly adores it!
Horrible Dad 2: I have a Andy Warhol in my dining room worth $2250000, nobody even recognizes it.
Horrible Dad 2: I will sell you my entire Andy Warhol colection to you for Jimmy's painting
Horrible Dad 1: Deal!
-And that's how Bill Gates became a world-class art collector-
The human concept of art is an escape from reality, a brief encounter with a ficticious thought, your mind's flirtation with an external fantasy.
Without Art there would be no existance.
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Another, slightly less common, derivative of anal sex
guy: wanna make some sweet, sweet art?
Girl: Picasso me up biatch
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A bossy overbearing loud mouth with childish ways and very narcissistic. Incapable of communication or commitment. A thotless tightwad who uses women for sex and leads them on with no regard for their feelings. Secretive and angry especially if questioned. Demanding, insists on everything being done his way. Conceited. Arrogant. Sneaky. Abusive and completely incapable of loving, being open with others, making friends or assuming blame. A Jerk.
Avoid Art at all cost.
That guy is an Art, run!!
He will treat you like crap without any remorse. He's an Art.
After that Art got ahold of her she was never the same Arthur Jerk Gemini Denny
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