Okay so this is the boy in the box from the 50’s. He was just recently identified as Joseph Augustus Zarelli.
Person 1: Have you heard about the Boy in the Box?
Person 2: Yes, why?
P1: They just identified him as Joseph Augustus Zarelli
Mr. Emperor Sir!! - Sarge
A thing sarge cannot stop saying to Augustus Julius Caesar
Kf: Garret man,
Dalton: what a dog fucker, that Garret Richard Augustus Phillips
1👍 1👎
Comes from a German word and means “ the cows are dying”
Hey what’s your middle name
What does that mean?
The cows are dying
If you have and Augustus as a friend you should be happy. They will protect you from bullies as a kid. He can help you out in rough times.He is a god cook and is a bulky man. If you atr friend witha person like this Good job