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basement rat

A person the lives in the basement and spends all their money on GGE.

J-S is a basement rat.

by Your worst enemy ^.^ October 13, 2020

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unfurnished basement

Not wearing underpants.

"There's nothing like an unfurnished basement!" exclaimed Douglas, while wearing a kilt.

by nudgeee June 18, 2008

91๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Basement Saver

Firefighter (s)

The easiest place to find those Basement Savers is in the grocery store

by gutblub23 September 9, 2010

141๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

raccoon in the basement

When a woman takes an ethnic penis in the butt.

Shabazz gave that girl a raccoon in the basement when he done did her in the booty.

by HoaglandTony November 15, 2016

38๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

martins basement

1) a place where good things go bad, bad girls become saints, straight men become gay, and people that arent virgins, become virgins again.
2) a wet/moist dark environment, were a devil cat runs loose, and were one may lose their virginity without even knowing how, when, where, or to whom.
3) fuck me in the ass, and call me a neurotic hamster.
4)suck my Naudahl

1) uh...uh... he loved it...in martins basement

by nando and nickyd March 4, 2010

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Beyonce's Basement

The place where Beyonce keeps Sia.

Friend 1: Omg did you know that Sia is trapped in Beyonce's Basement and Beynoce is forcing Sia to write songs for her???
Friend 2: Wow I didn't know that!

by RickyOfDaBay February 25, 2021

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Basement Bunker

noun - The lower points of entrance on a male or female

Doug: Hey Carl, how's it going?
Carl: Not too good Doug, I have a doll stuck in my basement bunker

Lucy: Is that snake still up your basement bunkers?
Trish: Yes

by hermitkraber December 9, 2014