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A group of people who's religion is Judaism. The young guys somehow get all the girls.
I don't mean to be offensive but young Jewish guys seem attractive to girls in general.

Guy 1: How is Matthew getting all the girls?
Guy 2: He's a Jew, I heard that many of them were trying to have sex with him.
Guy 1: ooohhhhh

by Why Do U Care What I'm Called July 23, 2020

232๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most prettiest girl ever!!!! SHE HAS BODY GOALS! No one better step in her way she will beat ASS! She is so caring and knows how to make a smile. The guy who has her is a lucky man! Her eyes will sparkle up the night with perfection, everyone needs a jeweli

James: "woah did you see that girl"

Nick: "yea, thats jeweli everyone wants her!"

by Delana.duhh February 22, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


another form of the word you, when talking to a jew.

RACHEL! What are Jew doing?!

Do jew want to go to the mall?

by choysee! July 11, 2008

613๐Ÿ‘ 311๐Ÿ‘Ž


Abbreviation of "what did you" or just "did you"

Jew do to piss her off like that?

Jew fuck her last night?

by harrumph July 11, 2008

770๐Ÿ‘ 453๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) someone who practises judaism

2) is also a culture/ethnicity, that is to say it has a certain sense of humour, certain type of food and music etc.

it is neither better nor worse than any other religion/culture/ethnicity in any way. Jews have been opressed, and used as scape-goats, in many points throughout history but so have other cultures.

i think it is dangerous both either elevate people who are Jewish or to look down on them!

bob dylan is Jewish...............um
my dad, and his family, are Jewish...........
i am not Jewish
Jesus was jewish
you may or may not be a jew
Hitler didn't like the Jews, neither did the ancient Egyptians

by erica zilinski December 5, 2005

3384๐Ÿ‘ 1891๐Ÿ‘Ž


An ethnic group, yes being jewish is an ethnic group, that originates from the southern levant and over the course of history has moved to many parts of the, especially europe, the middle east, and north africa.

For those who claim that being jewish is just a religion consider this. Geneticists have proven without a doubt that most of the people in the world who consider themselves to be ethnic jews are more closely related to jews from far away regions of the world than the host population that they live in. Meaning that a Russian Jew is more genetically related to an Iraqi Jew than a Russian and visa versa. Not only that Jews have their own separate culture. Examples of which would be the different languages that jews would speak like yiddish, ladino, judeo-arabic and judeo-persian. The Jews also believed in another religion than their host population. On top of that they wore different clothes and ate different foods. But most of all most Jews in the world self-identify as themselves as ethnic Jews, which is the most important part of defining an ethnic group. Also as a fun fact the national geographic and my A.P human geography text book say that jews are an ethnic group

Anglo guy 1: being a jew is just a religion!
Anglo guy 2: No it is a race!

Me: Since you to are both ignorant beyond all hope I will have to explain it to you. Being jewish is being part of a 4,000 year old ethnic group from the ancient levant.

by themanwiththeplan9192 March 14, 2010

1946๐Ÿ‘ 1078๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of individuals consisting of approximately 0.2% of the entire world population, and yet somehow manage to have won more than 20% of the nobel prizes awarded since 1901. The Jews have throughout history suffered from persecution, reaching a peak in WW2, when almost 80% of the entire Jewish population in Europe was murdered. After this the state of Israel was established, to provide a safe haven for the Jews. Despite this, anti-semitism remained a very real part of being a Jew even in our own modern world. Due to the fact that Jews place an extremely high value on the importance of education, the Jewish community is an exceptionally well established, educated and intelligent population in comparison to it's meagre size. Israel, a relatively tiny country, has produced hundreds of established people in literature, art, music, science and mathematics, while simultaneously fighting off haters and terrorists from all sides with its skilled army, and yet Jews continue to be amongst the most despised people on the planet.

1. "Despite their breakthroughs in medicine which have saved millions of lives, including a recent breakthrough in cancer treatment, many people seem to want Israel gone, the Jews dead, and their dear aunt Catherine to die of lung cancer because with Israel gone, that particular research will be stunted untill further notice."

2. "Thousands of people boycotted Israel during the 2008 Gaza war, explaining that they are doing this in protest to Israel defending itself from frequent terrorist bombings that had been occuring in the past 8 years. Many of these boycotters posted "boycott Israel" videoclips on youtube, blogged about how much they hated Israel or otherwise used their computers during this time, not realizing that the Intel microchip in their computer was developed by Israel and by using any computer that was less than 30 years old they were supporting Israel. What a bunch of idiots..."

3. "Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics,
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Muslims,
And everybody hates the Jews."

by lovingisraelforever March 14, 2010

2613๐Ÿ‘ 1505๐Ÿ‘Ž