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bbl behaviour

Term used to define someone's way of acting, overall vibe and mannerisms. Someone with a bbl behaviour may display boss-bitch attitude, be very confident with their body (because they have had or naturally present a bbl) to they point of wearing outfits that make their a$$ stand out even more. They are also usually very busy with their phones doing bizz. They also wear sunglasses, and when saying hi to one of their bitches they'll just lower them a little while simultaneously raising their hand moving their fingers a little. When you see them the first thing that comes to your mind is "material gworlll".

Person A: I love bitches who are confident with their huge ass and project that confidence to everything they do!!
Person B: So your mean you like people with a bbl behaviour?
Person A: Yasss, thats the bitches I love.
Person B: So you like people like Kylie Jenner, Nicki Minaj and James Charles?
Person A: Well James Charles not so much, I heard he had a bbl recently but he still does no have bbl behaviour.

by Tio Mike April 21, 2022

alfie behaviour

acting like a man/woman on a mission to seek out a person(s) who is DTF. a person behaving this way will not limit themselves to just one person per instance and therefore is somewhat of a whore - that everybody seems to know in one way or another.

i can't talk right now i'm on some alfie behaviour i'll call you back later. too many fish in the sea.

by ertleb October 21, 2010

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Sinister Behaviour

When someone has terrible behaviour and is acting like a complete menace.

If you keep up this sinister behaviour, you won’t get the privilege of playing Roblox

by MasterOfTaints May 10, 2023

Fatherless behaviour

When a dsmp/mcyt stan does anything

Idfk I just wanted everyone to know what fatherless behaviour meant

by PenisSlayer690p October 3, 2021

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Behavioural Approach

The approach a person takes to dealing with emotions and their coresponding actions.

Behavioural Approach examples:

Passive: A lack of interpersonal communication as a method of dealing with emotion(s).
Passive Assertive: A subtle, but firm communication of emotion(s).
Assertive: A straight-forward communication of emotion(s).
Assertive Aggressive: A striaght-forward, but assulting communication of emotion(s).
Aggressive: A purely assulting communication of emotion(s).
Passive Aggressive: A subtle, but assulting communication of emotion(s).

by SrΕΎ Tanjur September 13, 2006

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boerish behaviour

1: Acting like a boer
2: Favorite catch phrase of my South African headmaster, whose pet crusade was (ironically) to stamp it out in his school.

(English colonel, pith helmet, socks up to the knees, comb tucked into one sock, to scruffy colonial children): I say, look here you! Less of the boerish behaviour, if you please, or it'll be six of the best, trousers down, and no pudding for you tonight!

by Stoatman August 6, 2004

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Ladish Behaviour

A lad that demonstrates masculinity by carrying out a certain task/ activity.

"He drank 10 pints in an hour. Such ladish behaviour"

by Dubs220 February 26, 2009

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