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a homosexual act involving frozen chicekns between men of Scandinavian origin

Mr Salty and Mr McDonald carefully defrosted the Steggle's chicken in preparation for the messiest Berg ever.

by Uncle Ted August 8, 2003

63๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


From "iceberg", can be either a verb or noun. "To berg" is to crap so much that the top of the turd peeks out above the waterline.

Don't go in there, dude -- I just berged!!!

by ManlyBulge November 1, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fowl and disgusting bowel movement that is painful

After not crapping for days, I finally dropped that berg. Now I'm bleeding like a bitch, and everyone near the mens room went running for cover

by pyroclastic flow February 11, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beta cuck who pretends to be alpha male by threatening to fight you whenever he disagrees with anything you say. Always satisfies his wife without any use of sex toys and makes it very clear to his friends. A berges also suffers from โ€œextreme depressionโ€ and is extremely lazy and unmotivated. Also prefers to work for Doordash instead of having a fulfilling full time job like an actual functioning adult

That berges is such a cuck, whoโ€™d ever want anything to do with that?

That guy is such a berges, whoโ€™d ever want to be with him?

Everything was great at the party then jack started being a berges

by Theworldmustburn August 11, 2020


When you go to do something, but forget a simple aspect of the task resulting in failure and having to restart. The phrase 'berged' came from berg, the name of the guy who made this a common occurrence.

I have just gone to kill the boss, but I've forgot to take my pray pots....I have totally berged!....

by iimossyii February 3, 2022


When a girl has beautiful slender face shot on her personal website ( facebook, myspace etc...) but a really fat body that does not suit her head.

Dude... look at this girl, look at her face isn't she hot"

"I don't know man, scroll down.."

in unison : "OH MAN SHE'S A 'BERG!!!"

by P.O.NEILL August 15, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wanton homosexual.

"For god's sake Tim - do you have to be such a Berg all the time!"

by Jehann Manlove August 8, 2003

34๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž