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The tenth of the 12 zodiac signs, represented by the goat, running from December 22 to January 20.

Capricorn is an earth sign.

by GuidoPosse69 February 26, 2005

629👍 297👎


The tenth zodiac sign, it covers people born December 22 to January 19 and is represented by a goat.

Capricorns are ambitious, modest, patient, responsible, stable, trustworthy, powerful, intellectual, perspicacious and persistent.

But they can also be boring and stubborn.

Capricorns are basically a modified Aries (who happen to be their ram cousins), and thus they get along really well with Ariens and Scorpios.

Opposite sign = Cancer
Gets along with = Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Leo, Scorpio

It's anything but a breeze to grasp the Capricorn char­acter. You'll learn to recognize this Sun sign, but you'll need some preliminary practice. Study the quiet spider in the comer. He hasn't a chance against the fast-flying insects. But they get caught in his cleverly spun web -- and the spider wins. Remember Aesop's slow tortoise, humorously crawling in that race. He hasn't a chance against the quick, bright hare. But the flighty hare goes in all directions, for­getting the goal -- the tortoise wins. Observe the goat, as he scales the mountainside. He hasn't a chance against the strategy of the smarter humans who pursue him. But the hunters fall behind as the sturdy goat climbs determinedly from crag to crag on his uniquely designed hooves -- and the goat wins.

Now study a Capricorn. Where will you find him? Just about anywhere he can advance or improve himself. Any­where he can get ahead and further his secret ambitions. Try a social gathering. The Capricorn is not a carefree party type, but the goat we're studying is a social climber as well as a mountain climber. Pick a mixed group, prefer­ably in the upper income level. You can also try the middle income level, but the lower you go beneath that, the smaller your chances of finding a Capricorn. He probably won't be wearing a lamp shade on his head, tap dancing or calling attention to himself in any way; he'll be the admiring spec­tator in the background. You may not even notice him at first as he quietly and calmly watches all the flashy, pushy, charming, aggressive and brilliant personalities around him. Everyone in the group will seem to have su­perior equipment for the race -- any race. Lots of them are bluffing, some of them are afraid, but they're all highly polished, and the Capricorn doesn't seem to have a chance against them. Yet, he will win.

by Vivien Mourier June 3, 2007

500👍 246👎


This sign of the Zodiac represents the 10th house of careers in astrology. It is ruled by the planet Saturn.

"Capricorns tend to be hard working individuals, who are very successfull in thier careers"

by Chelsea Carrington October 27, 2005

620👍 336👎


Capricorns are probably the most mysterious of all the signs. They can send mixed messages and come across like they don't care, when they are actually really sensitive and sentimental. A Capricorn is always very optimistic and they are always looking forward into the future. It is fairly difficult to get a Capricorn to open up to you because they don't like to share their feelings, they prefer to hide themselves away. However, once they have opened up to you and you've gained their trust, they can be the most amazing person in the world. Deep down, a Capricorn is nothing like what they come across as. They're sensitive, soft and sweet. In friendship, a Capricorn is always there to help. For a friend, they would do anything. They give amazing advice and somehow, they always know how to cheer someone up. In relationships,at the start, they can be very stubborn and they can refuse to let you in. But once you have gained their love and trust, they will shower you with love and make you feel special.

A Capricorn's goal in life is to be successful. They hate the thought of being a failure. Whatever they do in life, they want to achieve as much as they possibly can and they very rarely give up on things that they want to succeed in. They always aim for the very best and if they don't achieve the very best, they feel a lot of disappointment. The best 3 words to describe a Capricorn are ambitious, driven and grounded.

"I'm a Capricorn"
"Ahhh, that's my favourite horoscope sign"

by Lillian Gracewell November 23, 2015

66👍 30👎


December 22 to January 19,we're loved and admired and most compatible with Taurus,Virgo,Scorpio,and Pisces intrigued by Aries,Leo and Libra
secretly want to get it on with Cancer. Unfortunately misunderstood by Gemini,Sagittarius,and Aquarius

x:dude,she's so hot,what's her sign?
x:I'm a Capricorn,I can get her!

by esjay December 8, 2004

482👍 271👎


The baddest bitch I’ve ever met and you better be thankful for rhem.

Hey you fuck you! Capricorn:“ bitch what the fuck are you talkin about?”

by star girl0109 December 6, 2020

9👍 1👎


Maybe the most maligned sign in the whole zodiac.
They have a bad reputation of being dull, cold-hearted, self-absorbed opportunists who disgust others by their excessive emphasis on responsability and personal ambition. They are shy, reserved and highly suspicious of others, and prefer being alone than becoming part of any type of group. ''Work and no play'' becomes their motto, as Capricorns are perseverant, tough and no-nonsense when it comes to reaching goals.

People misunderstand Capricorns due to their social persona, one which is known to be inaccessible, gloomy and even a little bit strange. Most resent their bitterness, discriminatory hate for superficiality, and arrogance. Those who know them more personally appreciate their black, witty sense of humor, their intense loyalty and affection to friends and family, their sense of timing, of centeredness and of quality in whatever they do and their analytical, sensitive and very profound intellects. Many of genius caliber have been born under this sign, including Edgar Allan Poe, Isaac Asimov, David Bowie among many others.

Person 1: ''He was seating on the same spot all the time, boring, anxious, without anything interesting to add....Had to be a Capricorn''
Person 2; ''Delve into him a little more and I bet he'll be a pleasant surprise''

by Jotace December 7, 2008

378👍 263👎