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costume sex

adj. a phrase used to describe sexual relations heightened by donning, shoes, hats, wigs, or any other apparel.

M and L loved to do it in their shoes. The enjoy good old fshioned costume sex.

by marianabelle June 16, 2005

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costume reveal

The alternative way of describing Janet Jackson and Justin Timerlake's Superbowl 2004 antics. See also "wardrobe malfunction." Costume reveal is perhaps more honest given that it was clear they intended the "reveal," but "wardrobe malfunction" is more fun to use (e.g., "My date last night was terrible - I think he had a wardrobe malfunction").

When Jason was jumping on the trampoline, he wasn't wearing anything other than a speedo, and his business was completely showing. Talk about a costume reveal!

by DJ Glenn November 13, 2004

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Costume nigger

A costume nigger is a person who is frontin' and who has forgotten their roots.
The term is often used when referring to others in a derogatory sense.

You will frequently hear it in rap songs such as those by Busta Rhymes i.e. Anti-up.

Djembe: "Just look at that costume nigger, he be frontin' all over town"

Toke: "Man look at his threads, did he forget what 'King' strived for?!

Djembe: "He ain't no 'G', working for the white man in them those banks there, shit"

Toke: "This shit makes me sick to my stomach, ima holla at you bro"

Djembe: "Ain't no thing"

by D.R.E_9.0 January 22, 2014

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costume drama

the frantic behavior of a person who cannot decide what to wear for a party, date, or other event which usually involves the dispensation of the whole wardrobe across the room in total dismay.

Sorry I'm late! I had a costume drama situation

by lotuspanda March 15, 2008

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costume malfunction

When that cheap rubber band or the staples that hold the rubber band in place on your Halloween mask break.

OMG! Everyone at the party thought I was George Bush until my mask came off.

by Ghost of Halloween past October 31, 2004

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Halloween Costume

when a girl has a tight complexion but procedes to apply makeup to turn into diva or premadonna. This girl will then match her clothes accordingly. She then recognizes other people as fake, snotty, a slut or a loser.

I didn't know it was near the day of the dead so what is up with your Halloween Costume?

That girl with the Halloween Costume called me a slut as I was just coming back from the balcony admiring the beauty of the moon at our prom.

She with the Halloween Costume ovfr there made chit chat about your ass over there with the men and now they think you're a whore.

by ewwhataloser December 5, 2009

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Costume Malfunction

An embarassing exposure that can be blamed on clothing.

No, Janet didn't flash the world on purpose. That was a costume malfunction.


Oh, my fly's down? What a costume malfunction.

by Rachel February 4, 2004

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