Used by idiots who do not know the real phrase is prima donna.
There's no waiting for correct lighting or pre-Madonna stars and special effects are the wildest and cheapest possible.
1070👍 231👎
A very young prima donna.
It is a play on words that uses "Madonna", the name of a pop-music star who is a prima donna of the highest order.
Pre-madonnas cannot help they way they are because their parents spoiled them and they are still developing their personalities.
My niece is a pre-Madonna. All she has to do is whine and her parents give her what she wants.
101👍 328👎
Misspelling of the words "Prima donna"
Usually from a result of being confused with the singer Madonna and how well she fits the meaning of the term.
Donna "jeez look at that little tart, she's such a pre madonna"
Sam "You mean 'prima donna', she's not a singer"
Donna "But doesn't the term come FROM the singer?"
Sam (Shakes head)
317👍 119👎
1. a vain and tempermental person.
2. A drama queen
3. a distinguished female operatic singer/star
4. a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
5. A wanna-be diva
psh look at that stupid pre madonna walking over there she thinks people actually give a shit to her.
120👍 180👎
Describing any big-time singers that lost their huge star status after Madonna became queen of the music world.
"Pre Madonna, Sonny and Cher were absolutely huge."
59👍 130👎
A self absorbed pretty boy or diva who is primarily noticed because of his/her appearance or impression.
I mean that guy is such a pre Madonna because he is a suped up pretty boy-basically he took being a pretty boy to the next level, and he gets noticed for it. On top of that-it's not even about him having all the attention or attracting women. It's basically so that he can have his pampered self satisfaction.
6👍 9👎