if a large amount is taken, it messes with your mind. a popular drug to find it in is Cloricidin Cough and Cold, but can be deadly. To be safer, use Dexalone, which does not have harmful side effects.
Eight pills of CCC, containing DXM totally fucks you up!
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Ok, DXM or Dextromorphan is a legal high that can be very essential to helping one overcome the problems one is facing in their own current reality. This drug is physiologically addictive, not physcologically addictive.
Please Read!!!! IMPORTANT....
i reccomend splitting one full bottle with a friend, one of the bottles that sell for around $6.50
From my experience, the only negative effect from this drug is the detox effect from it. This effect makes you really itchy. The itch starts at your head, and in the period of a few ours can work its way down to your feat. But, it doesnt really take away from the high, and you dont really even care. And when you do scratch yourself where you itch when your on it, it seems to feel really good similiar to when you scratch a dog in the perfect spot.
The high lasts for about 6-8 hours. When the high wears off, or when you wake up in the morning, there is no hangover or negative feeling in which is perceived from the dxm trip. I reccomend this drug dxm in moderation, to be taken at least once a month to clarify your life in a positive light,...and at the most, once a week.
Oh yeah....and this drug, unlike coke, crack, weed, meth, or anything else for that matter, does not kill one single brain cell, and i would argue that its effects actually help to enhance your thinking processes(i.e.create new neural pathways in your mind which expenentially increase one's problem solving abilities)
-thank you for reading
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A dissasociative drug which is often mistaken for a hallucinogen for it's psychogenic properties. Often found in cough syrup, as it does a great job at supressing coughs.
Overdose symptoms include: liver damage, increased body temperature leading to brain damage, hallucinations (feeling disconnected from oneself) and euphoria.
Anyone attempting to use this drug recreationally should be EXTREMELY careful, as you WILL NOT have control over your actions.
Think PCP when you think DXM. It is completely different from 'tripping' out on LSD.
See that idiot over there drinking Robitussin? He's trying to trip on DXM.
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a type of cough supressant that gets you FUCKED UP and trippin balls at high doses.
good effects (what people take it for):
-altered time perception
-blurred vision
-"cartoonish" tint to vision
-static-like tint to vision
-visual and auditory hallucinations at high doses
-delirium (thinking that a tree is talking to you, etc.)
-intense euphoria (happiness)
-strong feeling of connection with others (compared to the effects of ecstasy)
bad effects (what people hate about taking it):
-possible nausea and vomiting (depends on if you have a weak stomach or if you are nervous)
-possible paranoia (depends on mood and surroundings)
-decreased sex drive (not only does the thought of sex never cross your mind, but even if it does you'll find it extremely hard gettin a boner or gettin in the mood)
-pupil dilation (dead giveaway if you're on it, i reccomend staying away from parents or other people who can't know that you're tripping, or at least never looking them in the eyes)
-"bug eyes" (makes it look like you're scared or surprised all the time, which can also be a giveaway that you're on something)
-increased heart rate (dangerous if you have heart or blood pressure problems)
-zombie-like walking (makes it look like you're hypnotized, which can also give away that you're on something)
overall a great drug to take for a legal high, can be found in medicines such as coricidin cough and cold, robitussin cough syrup, and almost any other over-the-counter cough medicine. can also be purchased in pure powder form from your local drug dealer. the main drawback to this drug is that someone can tell you're on something just by looking at you when you take it, so it's definitely not easy to hide unless you are really experienced with it. if you're a beginner i recommend tripping in a safe environment where your parents or anyone like that won't see you, such as a friend's house or a party. also, be careful when taking it in form of ccc (coricidin cough and cold), as it contains an extra ingredient that is a deadly poison in high doses (this shit got me put in the hospital, so i know what i'm talking about). also there is an overdose limit, so don't overdo it. make sure you read up on the effects of the drug thoroughly before taking it from a reputable source, such as erowid.org. happy trippin...
i drank 4 ounces of dxm-containing cough syrup and now i'm fucked the hell up.
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DXM is a dissociative hallunicogenic drug found in most cough syrups. It's recreational dose ranges from 100-2,000 mg. Most reccommend that you NEVER take more then 20mg/kg (1 kg=2.2 pounds) or take anything that has ative ingredients other then Dextromethorphan (which DXM is short for) as you can overdose. Effects can be felt with around 2mg/kg on a half full stomach with most taking 3-10mg/kg. When you go above 8 it becomes less euphoric (aka fun) and more hallucinogenic (weird).
The plateaus are:
1.5-3mg/kg= 1st
8-15mg/kg= 3rd
over 15mg/kg= 4th
Be aware your pupils will become dililated badly and will stay dililated for a while even after the effects wear off and its easy to tell when someone's on it (almost as easy as alcohol) and you might puke.
I took 43 coughgels of DXM and she took 17, but she's more fucked up then me!
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actve drug found in many over the counter and in Canada basic shelf cough medications. Robitussin DM Contac Cold Caps, Benylin DM, and really shit tasting Buckleys DM, which I have never tried and don't advise.
The best one I found was the Robotussin DM in the red package. This is because of the fact that there is nothing mixed with the DXM, no pseudo-ephedrine, etc. Start by taking 100- 125 ml per trip and work your way up. Find the level that you are the most comfortable with and stick to it. It is unadvisable to mix this drug wth anything, the Tusiin should be enough. Definitely do not mix with alcohol, if you fall asleep on this mixture, which is very easy to do, you will almost certainly wake up within 1 to 3 hours later with one hell of a headache that is impossible to get rid of. My wife and I took tussin almost every night for 3 months sraight with only one bad trip which was set off by mixing with heavy quantities of Weed and uncertain situations, i.e. we though there were cops watching us from the back alley. However the paranoia was just as bad if not worse then acid trips gone bad and could easily land you in a psych ward if you don't have prior knowledge of how to get through a bad trip. A Babysitter or tripsitter with prior knowledge of what to do in this case the first time is advisable as well, once again it is a hallucinogen so everyone will react different, but with a little caution and the right doses it is one of the safest and trippiest experiences possible.
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Dextromorphan Hydrobromide. A highly addicting OTC drug found in cough surpressants.
Shit man, I'm addicted to dxm!
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