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entitlement bitch

A person who is used to getting their way no matter what. A person who will not take no for an answer.

EB: I want my poodle gold plated.
X: We cannot gold plate poodles.
EB: I will not rest until I have complained to your manager, the president of your company, your mother, your poodle, your best friend and every person in this establishment until I get my way.

by Amber E. May 5, 2005

96πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Vaginal Entitlement

a woman sometimes american with beauty rating of 7.5+ or better who acts/speaks on a daily basis as if they deserve money, gifts, guys attention, a nice car & overall the best in life simply because they think they are pretty on exterior & can use their vagina to get it, but yet won't do anything like real work to get ahead in life.

You see this chick walking with the gucci glasses, LV shoes, & Hermes bag ignoring those guys trying to politely say hello? she is the definition of vaginal entitlement, perhaps if they had gift bags to give her...

by Single Travel Dude October 31, 2012

43πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Entitled Person

A person who thinks any and all things should be done how they want it and should be given free things.

The Entitled Person wishes they got the item for free.

by WordsthatareRandom May 20, 2019

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

entitlement princess

A female who believes that she should receive special treatment from all who come into contact with her. She is a condescending, self-centered, nasty little bitch. She often doesn't have a job and uses her daddy's credit card to purchase services and items far beyond her own income (which is usually zero) would allow.

Check out Kaitlyn in her new Jaguar. That little entitlement princess cursed her daddy out when he gave her a Honda for her birthday, so he traded it in.

by JJ Jameson June 4, 2006

78πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Entitlement Bitch

Person (male or female) who are under the impression that they are the ruler of the world... or at least the establishment they are getting service in. Basically a person who expects to get what he wants in a store, restaurant, etc., with no regard to policies or laws.

B: I had the shittiest customer this morning!
C: What happened?
B: She expected me to take her friend's credit card, and when I told her I legally couldn't do it, she bitched me out and called over my manager screaming that she'd never shop here again!
C: Sounds like a classic entitlement bitch to me.

by em May 2, 2005

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Self Entitlement

The false feeling that someone inherently deserves something despite not having done anything to earn it.

Ex 1: Jane got offended when her parents asked her to do some chores around the house because she felt self entitled to the free room and board she had been given for the last 13 years of her life.

Ex 2: Johns attempted justifications for pirating movies revealed he had a sense of self entitlement which made him feel he deserved other peoples work for free.

by Little-Jimmy May 21, 2013

171πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Entitled Parent

Oh the terror. These people will use their kids to get anything they want and yell at anyone who gets in their way.

I have my little angel with me today and I demand a free drink. shut up you entitled parent

by Π—Ρ‹1 Π Ρ„Π²ΠΏΠΊΠΊΡˆΠ² February 24, 2020

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