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a global hate group of sexist women who make up false studies, statistics, and "facts" to promote their man-hate. mostly known for accusing anyone with a dick of being a rapist. and pissing off literally everyone who doesnt blindly follow their cult-like opinions

dude one: "wow that bitch accused you of rape for looking at her tits?"

dude two: "yeah man shes a big feminism talking head, i should be glad she hasnt tried to slander me into prison yet"

by mallowsal April 16, 2015

166๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


A disgrace to my gender

It's a bunch of woman who think they deserve special treatment because they can push a baby out of their pussy.

Feminism scenario:
Man: holds door open, for feminist

by Femanatzi August 31, 2019

142๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A personality disorder marked by several symptoms. Symptoms can vary in severity, from reasonable to uncontrollable, and may include: hyper-vigilance; sweeping generalizations of entire genders; rage episodes; emotional hypersensitivity; selective paranoia; self-mutilation; offensive hygiene practices; hostility through proxy; extreme intolerance of dissenting opinions; fluidity of gender self identity ; unwarranted sarcasm; fabrication of "facts"; persistent mythomania; codependence with other feminism sufferers; obsessive-compulsive behavior with focus on "sexism" and "oppression"; a highly specialized quasi-intellectual vocabulary with terms that are used differently from the dictionary definitions; claims moral, intellectual, and academic high-ground because reasons. Sufferers may be of any gender.

Phil: I don't understand what's wrong with Steve. He says everything is sexist and insists on pointing it all out to everyone around her--all the time! He won't listen to reason, and when I showed him irrefutable evidence, he blocked me.
Devon: I'm pretty sure he caught a bad case of feminism from his woman. Just leave him alone. He will snap out of it when he grows up.

by Nigel Spellright February 2, 2016

66๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


First of all i want to say that most of the entries on feminism are disrespectful and infuriating. The arguement that feminism states that women are better than men was created and is sustained by insecure men who are afraid of patriarchy tumbling down on their priveledged ignorant heads. WAKE UP people and look around you. all those "examples" of brain size, decreased male entry into college, etc are just excuses to either degrade women or only superficially examine the issues of gender equality.

1.)respecting people of all genders (recognizing the diversity in sexuality, from homosexuals, transgendered, heterosexuals and transexuals) as human beings that deserve to be treated with respect.

2.) recognizing the past inequalities that have historically denied women access to many social, economic and political spheres that are mostly occupied by men.

3.)Recognizing the result of these inequalities have lasting impacts today

respecting a person enough to ask their consent before having sex

not seeing a woman as an object but as a human being, this means making eye contact not checking out her body

listening to women (and men of course) respectfully as you would men

if you are a heterosexual straight white male, check your priveledge when talking about equality and recognize other people's experience as valid instead of monopolizing experiences relating to gender equality

feminism is RESPECT

by Jessi Ristau May 9, 2008

40286๐Ÿ‘ 37893๐Ÿ‘Ž


Feminism is a political, social, and cultural movement that aims at equal rights for women. Its beginnings and extreme controversy in a (Western) patriarchal society has created stigma and stereotypes associated with the definition. Some include that feminists are:
-man haters
-'hairy-legged bitches'
Feminism helped women get the vote, obtain equal rights for jobs, made laws to control domestic violence, help women obtain the rights to own property, to divorce, to have access to birth control and to have possession of their own bodies.
Feminism is still needed in today's society. One can see this through the other versions of this definition.

Man = Woman, no more, no less. Women were, and in social aspects, still are, treated as inferior.
Sexism began as early as Aristotle, who claimed that women were 'imperfect' men since they did not contain a penis on their persons.
To be superior, one must make something inferior. I am sure this definition will get many 'thumbs down', but it is the truth.

I am a wo-man and I am a feminist.

"I am a feminist"
"So you hate men?"
"No...I think women should have equal rights as men"
"...I still believe in feminism."

by Oh-I'm-Sorry-Am-I-Threatening? January 15, 2010

42044๐Ÿ‘ 39608๐Ÿ‘Ž


Feminism was about equality.Now (Modern Feminism) is about retarded women with no brain and no logic, bitching about everything men do and acting always like they are a victim.If you see a modern feminist you should shoot her/him immediately and make the world a better place.

Feminism is no more about equality.It is about retarded uneducated whores

by JohnHighway January 1, 2015

103๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


Feminism has a diversion of meanings
A long time ago it was meant for the rights of women, being able to vote and the ability to own land.
Very quickly, though, once the rights were gained, the feminists went to getting against using masculine pronouns to tell about a group of people that could be male or female.
Those 2 were very good examples of feminism.
Though then, feminism started becoming something different. Instead of changing "he" to "them" or alike, it was then turned into "she".
Alot of feminism was then women opposing men, women deciding that they were superior to males and they were better and more perfect in many ways.
Neither is true. Women=Humans and Men=Humans. Neither have a superiority to eachother.

From the start, it was going against sexism. Now, most feminism is becoming sexism itself.
Real feminism includes both men and women, also including myself.
I believe that men and women are equal and should not be subject to sexual descrimination.
Many of the definitions on here you may see is greatly biased, as the people for feminism only focus on the good; the thought that feminism is against all types of stereotype "ism's", and the people against, only focus on examples like Germaine Greer who is by far a fake and sexist feminist, who denounces all men to be subhuman, inferiors and rapists.

Feminism in general is a great view of humanity in my opinion, but many hurt the philosophie's reputation by turning the good

A True Feminist would say that Women and men are equal, they shouldn't be sexually torn apart in any ways
Sexist feminists would say that all gender neutral pronouns should be said using feminine pronouns
Actual example:
Sexist male: Women are shit
True feminist female: No, women are equal. Sexism is bad. Don't be like that
Another example
Sexist male: Women are shit
Sexist feminist female: No, women are the best and men are shit.
Another example
Feminism believing male: Men and women are equal
Sexist feminist female: No, women are not equal to men. Men are inferior.

by Skast March 3, 2014

68๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž