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A shortening for "friend crush". The meaning is a crush on someone but instead of wanting to date this person you want to be friends with him, even though he/she is way out of your clique.

Boy: Do you want to date that girl?

Boy 2: Nah, she's not my type.

Boy: Good, I have a huge frush on her and it would be weird.

by the last leaflast leaf June 18, 2017


When you are interested to be someone's friend. Aka when you wanna be someone's friend

Girl 1: why you lookin at him?
Girl 2: I have a frush on him

by Copticngm April 13, 2021


How I always mistakenly thought the word "thrush" was spelled. Frush is just gibberish, contrary to other definitions on this website. I'm not going to tell you what thrush means because this website can do that way better, and I sure as shit will not provide or link you to an image of it.

Evan: You said your girlfriend has some gnarly yeast infection - like frush. Sorry to hear that bro.
Chuck: Frush? What's that?
Evan: Frush - you know- the gross looking yeast infection that forms on a woman's g-
Chuck: You mean to say "thrush." The fact that you heard Frush is concerning. How long have you been saying it like -actually, I don't want to know because there's no way to make you look less like an idiot in this situation.

Evan: Oh... :(

by MoondogIIe January 28, 2022