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graduate student

A young adult whose number one motivating factor is free food.

Marissa, a graduate student, just attended a pointless workshop on conflict resolution just because there was free pizza there.

by Carla Cat October 26, 2013

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graduation goggles

The relief and nostalgic feeling one has about a time in their life when it is about to end, even if the time was completely miserable.

(the day before high school graduation)

Senior: I'm really gonna miss this place...
Friend: Dude, you spent the four shittiest years of your life here. That's just the graduation goggles.

by WendyW April 12, 2011

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Graduation Bling

Any form of honors that are outwardly expressed while graduating from an academic institution. Includes, but is not limited to, medals for GPA (cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude), honor society cords or silk throw-overs, and maybe even fireworks if you're a complete badass.

I joined five honor societies in my time at college. I had mad graduation bling, yo.

by J. Saynt September 17, 2009

graduate student

One who chooses to add to the breadth of their education by embarking upon a program that may award him/her a master's degree, a Ph.D, or no degree at all. While this decision may, under very particular circumstances, lead to a position as a tenured professor in a university, it will most likely lead to a decade or more of delaying the individual's entry to what most people would call the "real" world. Becoming a graduate student allows one to enter the self-perpetuating institution of academia.

Ex. 1
Typical sign in a physical sciences laboratory: "Do not feed graduate students and other lab animals."

Ex. 2
Grad student: "I'm writing a thesis on the remnants of Victorian culture in modern stereotypes of Transylvania."

Friend: "What are you going to use that for?"

Grad student: "I hope to become an English professor because if I'm lucky, I may one day out-earn high school teachers."

by academicbubble January 7, 2012

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Portuguese Graduation

An article of affectation used primarily to denote the event in which a Portuguese youth with poor grades achieves a stable, labour-intensive, blue collar job with little to no income mobility or prospects for occupational advancement.

The term "Graduation" is bastardized here, as while the Atlantic Trout-fishing, lemon tart-eating Portuguese are generally a smart and industrious people, they have notoriously very little academic prowess or notable institutional credential.

Therefore, sporting a very low GPA and other under-average psychometric percentiles, a portuguese will be said to "Graduate" directly into the work force. This is the rough equivalent of a non-Portuguese achieving an academic certification as enumerated by a public institution, (i.e. high school or post-secondary), and being equipped to pursue lucrative, white-collar work.

Alt. A 'Portuguese diploma' or a Portuguese 'Bachelor of Honors.'


Paula: "Oh vey! My Little Fabio is so grown up! He just dropped out of senior year at Meadowvale High to start brick-laying with local construction worker and drywalling 235!"

Luis: "That's my boy! I'm glad we invited everyone over for his Portuguese Graduation."


Carlos: "Oh vey! I was looking at Lorena's student transcript the other day...
She has a GPA of 2.1 and wants to drop out of college to study cosmetics instead of Mechanical Engineering.

Neilla: "Yep, she's on track to becoming the loudest hair-stylist on the East Side after her Portuguese Graduation."

by PerpendicularSecantSoldier November 1, 2020

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christmas graduate

a student (usually university or college) who drops out at Christmastime when they go back home to visit their parents. Often caused by homesickness, academic failure, unpopularity, or a significant other living back at home.

Person 1: Man, did you hear that George isn't coming back after Christmas?
Person 2: Damn Christmas graduates.


Person 1: I need to move out of residence asap. Know of any places available?
Person 2: Wait until January when all the Christmas graduates sublet their apartments.

by allohamorah December 5, 2006

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graduation consummation

to have sex for the first time of being a (high school/collage) graduate. A great way to celebrate your graduation and an awesome excuse to have sex.

Susan: "Can you believe it Dave? We're finally graduating!"

Dave: "I know right? Wanna celebrate with a graduation consummation?"

by D3yt0n May 23, 2009

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