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Honeymoon effect

This is the feeling you get when your around a person you are just starting to get to know on a deeper level. Its the warm fuzzies inside, the "everything is good with this person" feeling..and it makes you think of nothing else but that time right then and there. The honeymoon effect is something you want to last a long time..but your afraid that soon it will dissapear...which ushually it does, and subsides to a deeper and more knowledgable love of the other person. When the honeymoon effect is gone...it just gets started, and gets better!

My soon to be boyfriend told me "see..they call what we are experiencing the honeymoon effect"..and I think he was secretly wanting this feeling to last forever.

by carmelcat June 18, 2010

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eskimo honeymoon

When a man has sex with a friends ex wife while she is wearing her wedding dress from her past wedding with the ex.

You had sex with Jason's ex in her wedding dress, that's a nice Eskimo honeymoon

by Spanky716 November 9, 2013


1. Sex between a male and female where the male has sex with and ejaculates in the females belly button

2. Often performed when partners run out of other sexual acts to practice. Hence, the name "honeymooner" because by the time you reach your honeymoon, you'll have to break out the honeymooner.

Things were getting a little stale after 5 days of sex on our vacation, so I broke out the honeymooner.

by titanic51 May 26, 2012

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poo Honeymoon

The socially acceptable length of time one should wait between doing a poo and having sex.

Q. Are you in the mood dear?
A. Yeah but I'm still on Poo Honeymoon

by BarrySmith June 28, 2011

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honeymoon hole

The one hole that is still virginal and hasnt been penetrated, usually for females its the anus. This allows you to still wear white on yer wedding day and ensures your mate they have something to look foward to.

Hey! watch it buddy thats my honeymoon hole.

by trixxy b damned November 15, 2006

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honeymoon period

The three-month maximum period between a person's entry into a new situation and a person's complete screwing up of said situation or essential elements of it. This phenomenon is backed by massive amounts of studies in social psychology and even more massive amounts of personal testimony from bitter, angry people.

Susannah just broke down and gave her new roommate specific instructions on where she would prefer her to travel on her next vacation. That honeymoon period is over.

by TheLastPunslinger May 13, 2005

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Honeymoon Salad

Lettuce alone.

I prefer a honeymoon salad because its simple. It's lettuce alone.

by timbre June 19, 2014

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