Source Code

bowel howl

A Fart: A fart of specific audiophonic quality, a long melancholy sound with a gradual drop in tone identical to the howl of a wolf

It was a still moonlit night, my last meal contained raw onions, the dusty old house lay silent. Out of respect for partner I lay on my side pulled back the duvet, letting out
a spectacular 'bowel howl' the likes of which would inspire a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

by Brucester September 10, 2006

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howling screamer

Obscure slang for "mouth" derived from Disney's childrens film Treasure Planet.

"Zip your howling screamer!"

by a howling screamer November 15, 2007

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Howling Monkey

When a girl gives 2 handjobs and a blowjob at the same time to 3 different guys

Dude Amy gave me Jim and Andy a Howling Monkey last night

by Kpahx October 28, 2010

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Howl Pendragon

Hello, and welcome to today's segment of, Animated Men I would sell my body to at a discount price. The discount being free because I would never make these fine gentleman pay for a whore like me. Today's gentleman is Howl Pendragon. Step on my dumb little neck with your expensive boots you filthy witch. I don't care if there's not a fruitful thought behind those eyes cuz just look at him in these pants. If ever I saw the Renaissance twinky in public we're smashing parts on sight. I'd love nothing more than going on a whirlwind adventure with this garden himbo 3000. Let's discover new things together. Is there a 4th hole? Can we make a new one? The possibilities are endless. This is the kind of man that will destroy your body but wear a face mask with you after. I'm forfeiting my dignity I am this man's trash can. That's all for today folks join me next time to see which animated gentleman I'm throwing this slab of meat at.

" I don't see the point in living if I can't be beautiful ๐Ÿ’€โšฐ๏ธ" - emo Howl Pendragon

by Antarcticite December 5, 2021

Howl Pendragon

Lets face it,
Howl gives us major gender envy,

or some major simps.

Person one: Dang...
Person two: What?

Person one: I want to commit gender theft

Person two: From who?
Person one: Howl Pendragon

by Sleepv March 1, 2022

howl cry

The worst sound a man can make; a combination of yelling and crying usually initiated after a shameful act.

Alone in his apartment for the first time since his breakup, Tim takes out the picture of his ex-girlfriend, and begins to masturbate. As he reaches climax, he begins to howl cry.

Beeewww! Linda! Why did you leave me! Beeewww!

by aero-instability October 8, 2010

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A person with this last name doesn't respect the alphabet and can't pronounce the letter "H"

He can't say hello, must be a Howle

by MACgesses February 13, 2018

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