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1) Inu is the Japanese word for dog.

2) A anime that needs character development and needs to stop bashing Kagome and give her some kind of damn combat strength.

Half of us are their for Sesshomaru's face.

The rest are probably children who have not be introduced to the world.

"Inuyasha needs to stop bashing their protagonist."

by Kar, or the insomniac. June 2, 2018


An awesome anime!!!! Inu meaning dog in Japanese and yasha- meaning demon.

β€œSIT BOY!!” Almost in every episode of inuyasha said by kagome.

by Animexx May 31, 2019


The single greatest anime of all time.

InuYasha pwns Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, all the Gundum series, and Sailor Moon.

by InuYashafan24 November 11, 2003

232πŸ‘ 215πŸ‘Ž


1. Inuyasha is a show, concerning a girl from modern times, going back five hundred years to help her friends defeat an evil demon, Naraku. Kagonme is falling in love with a half-demon, but encourages herself against it sometimes. The half dog demon is Inuyasha. Together, they tracel with Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Sango's two-tail cat friend, Kirara. This show is definetly worth a look, if not an obsession.
2.The very handsome half dog demon from the show "Inuyasha".

((Inuyasha + Kouga are mine!!!!))

by Teh Anninimouse. September 29, 2005

138πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


I think there should be a video game of inuyasha where your a half demon child and you go through all kinds of madness and then you start to get old the more you kill people you get XP and SKILL so that you get stronger (of cours) and also get older but im not talking about getting to be an adult in just 24 hours playing straight causs that would be stupid and you finally get to be a Full Demon after you get older and its all about what path you go on like in fable good or evil becuase no game says come play me if your evil or good hehe

Inuyasha F-ING ROCKS MAN i really hope they dont cut it sieriously i hope they dont causs i love that show man and in movie one and two i cant beleive the end was sorta the same that ticked me off

by Drew O'Halloran January 17, 2005

191πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


The best show EVER!! watch it or feel my wrath!!!!!!!!! oh....and shippo is really cute too!

::lights campfire:: ::hums an inuyasha theme song:: ::campfire lights everything around on fire:: AHHHHHHHHHH! ::looks at watch:: eep!! inuyasha is comming on!! ::leaves:: ::fire distroys the entire planet:: noooooooooooo!!...inuyasha wasn't over!!! ::crys::

by Holly February 26, 2005

179πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž


Stupid anime watched by stupid immature perverted wapanese boys in their early teens. They love the kagamay bitch and the keekeeoh girl. They most likely jack off everytime they watch it and pretend that they're Inuyasha screwing them. They love to go on Quizilla and make things like WHO IS THE HOTTEST CHARACTER?! WHICH CHARACTER R U?!!?!??! and IS INUYASHA HOTT????!!

I've been watching Inuyasha for a couple months now to see what the hype is all about and its so pointless and repetetive. The whore Kagamay or however you spell her damn name, always gets captured by a shitty, unscary demon, then Inuyasha comes and saves her. It's pretty much the same bullcrap you see in the episode before, except with a different outcome but still damn repetetive. They look for some pinkish diamonds they call "jewel shards", and hardly ever seem to find them. And when they do they always get stolen by some demon. Its repetetive bullcrap alright. I say don't even waste your time watching this dumb Anime. I can't believe people actually like this bull.

I swear Inuyasha is the most stupidest, most pointless Anime I've ever seen in my life. To understand the point in Inuyasha you must be high.

by AliceInChainsRock May 3, 2006

311πŸ‘ 310πŸ‘Ž