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Jigaboo is a word that extacy users use to describe the conversations had on extacy that dont make sense to anyone not on extacy and sometimes dont even make sense to the "ekto freak". It has become a normality for some extacy users of airdrie to use jigaboo in everyday life as metaphors for things that are actually serious

example of exctacy induced jigaboo-"*lies on the stairs face front* this is what jesus must've felt like when he was cricified backwards"

everyday jigaboo metaphor-"menapausing" meaning that you are too warm.

by king boogajig August 26, 2007

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jigaboo jones

An African-American homeless man who attempts to wash your car when the light has turned red in the middle of the street, in hopes of receiving money for their services to fuel their crack cocaine addiction.

Get the hell away from my car, you dirty fucking Jigaboo Jones!

by garfsnarf December 17, 2022

41๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jigaboo Clues

Subliminal clues that you try to notice from unsuspecting individuals at a party or social gathering after you make a statement that includes an intentional racial slur. The point of doing this is to judge the reaction of your peers to find out if its acceptable to use these slurs at free will and not have the fear of offending anyone.

Josh: Alex, can i say nigger here?
Alex: I dont know, find some jigaboo Clues..
Josh: (to everyone at the party) Man!! Ben Wallace is a bigg nigg!!!
Person From The Party: "YEAAAAA.. THAT NIGGA'S HUGE"
Person From The Party 2: "THATS A GIANT NIGGA FO SHO!!"
Josh: Cool, we're safe.
Alex: Ok, thanks for checking. I owe ya one, i almost forgot to check."
Josh: No problem, Nigga!

by partysafetyfirst February 5, 2009

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Jigaboo Christmas

When a KFC opens in a prominently black neighborhood

Kenny: Yo Tyrone i jus got my welfare check

Tyrone: Watcha gonna buy?

Kenny: Well it's Jigaboo Christmas down here, so Ima pick me and my baby mamma up a 6 piece wing and a bucket son.

by MCGLide May 2, 2007

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Jigaboo Jams

Any music sung by a jigaboo and in most cases rap.

"Goddamit Josh! quit listening to them jigaboo jams, your a cracker!

by nigger h8r May 14, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The politically correct term for dark skinned people of america.

I thought there were special nightclubs for the niggers.Oops sorry, I mean Jigaboo-Americans.

by Nerd Flanders April 27, 2011

48๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jigaboo joe

A very hot male that is a friend of the famous Quandale Dingle. Being a jigaboo joe is hot

Hi Iโ€™m jigaboo joe

by Teagan.B May 12, 2022

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