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Shorthand for “lower back dimples

Jon: “did you see the chick in the bikini angel costume?!?”

Bryan: “Yeah bro, she also had phenomenal LBDs”

by BFoefosho October 23, 2017


Acronym meaning "Little Baby Dick." Typically utilized by bros in an attempt to attack other bros; Often found while tailgating in the south (ex. Auburn)

David: "Dude, Justin has a major LBD."
Carter: "Yeah man, what a little bitch."

Rance: "I'm just glad I don't have an LBD like Justin and David."

by Big Dick Billy Dilly December 24, 2017


Little black dress for those "cosy" nights in

I'm gonna wear my lbd tonight if that's ok with you😉

by Lisamooney1 August 7, 2017


LBD or little brown dudes was a secondary identifier for "non-white" people by troops in Iraq as the term Hadji was being phased out for something more PC. Eventually it came to mean brown dudes who worked on base as opposed to brown dudes in man dresses

Let's go drop off laundry to the LBD and hit the chow hall.

by Auctiondude July 6, 2021


Large Black Dildo

Many girls have an LBD in their collection.

by George Macgraegor December 17, 2024