Marro is a nice sweet man. Marro like to play football 🏈. Marro has a lot drip 💯. Marro is always around girls. Marro is amazing in the bedroom. Marro is loyal. Marro all ways get his heart broken but he all ways push throw it. Marro has a lot of friends. Marro has a lot of tattoos on his arm. Marro can beat up someone if he has to. Marro is strong 💪🏿. Marro gets all the girls. Marro is open about a lot of things. Marro is chill person. Marro wants a girl that is nice kind that under standards me as who I am and stays on the phone with me for 24 hours.
I wish my boyfriend was a marro de marr
A truly unique, outstandingly gorgeous girl who makes my days better. Elephant chew forever and always
Cadence Marr is who makes me truly happy
The most unique person I know, elephant chew forever and always. Please don’t change
Cadence Marr is the reason I’m happy.
Marr is very tall Nd athletic and smart he is misunderstood he was a talkative person but now he stays to himself only talking to real frens not to mention violent if needed
Marr is tall
Marrs is a rare kind. The extraordinary , one barely seen. Also a beacon on light.
Man that guy is Marrs ! Never see his kind.
Marre is a very nice man who likes petting cats. Marre Gamer loves Valorant.
"OMG is that Marre Gamer???????"