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PBM from the J, famous twitch streamer plaqueboymax.

I was going to talk to this girl but PBM from the J follows her, It's over for me.

by BishoPowerFTJ December 5, 2024


Stands for Pilot Butte Middle School
Literal hell, never go here, it's a bad idea, run while you can

Guy 1: hey dude, what middle school did you go to?
Guy 2: PBMS
Guy 1: Damn dude, *hugs guy 1*

by Ethereal Rivers June 18, 2018


it stands for “pelando bola en miami”, it’s used by “pela bolas” to refference the way they live in south Florida

“ yo, we livingpbmout here!

by Esketit123 January 5, 2018


pussy made bitch

wow he cheated on me, he’s a pbm.

whata pbm, he played me.

she won’t fight me she’s a pbm.

by sarahg March 5, 2019