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These games by far beat any other games that you can think of. They usually have the same basic plot. You start out as a teenager and you choose a name for yourself. Then you meet the Professor that is unique to that one game. There are Prof. Oak(red, blue, yellow versions), Prof. Birch (gold, silver, and crystal versions), and then there's two more but i don't feel like going back to find out their names. I have one friend who I call Aquaman and he plays Pokemon like it's a religion. And he totally kicks ass at it too. I think everyone should try Pokemon at least once, but i'm not saying it's for everyone. So POKEMON4LyFe!!!

If you don't like Pokemon, then you must not have much of a life or whatever that pathetic thing is called.

by Master Zephire November 22, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž



Originated from Japan, of course. Is a widely popular video game and card game, and also a long-running cartoon.

The cartoon has been airing for over a decade and is very predictable. Every episode is the same plot, or so it seems. Here is a breakdown.

-Show opens with Ash and his posse or varying members walking along, planning where they are going next or talking about an upcoming battle/competition.
-A new and mysterious pokemon appears, causing Ash to blow his load and prepare to battle and capture it.
-Cue the appearance of the pokemon's owner, usually a cute female trainer that Brock , Ashโ€™s buddy, immediately falls for and is naturally rejected, probably cause she is freaked out by his lack of eyes.
-the team and the new female trainer friend continue on, by no coincidence they are usually headed to the same town/city as each other or entering the same competition. (Ash and this trainer inevitably end up being matched up against each other during this competition at some point, if this is the case. The episode is ended with this revelation in these cases.)
-Cue our first look at team Rocket, the main bumbling and inept rivals of the group. They are usually in the process of hatching a hair brain scheme to make money at this point. They then spot Ash and Co., who they refer to as โ€œthe twerpsโ€, and their plan switches to a plan to catch Ashโ€™s pikachu. (and the trainer friends pokemon, if it is a particularly rare or valuable one). Sometimes, the plan involves Team Rocket disguising themselves in some lame getups, that even an idiot could tell its them. But Ash and Co get fooled. EVERY. TIME.
-Cut to a pokemon center, where ash and co. are stuffing their gourds and then go to bed. If itโ€™s the night before a big competition, you get a scene with Ash deep in thought first, with pikachu babbling incoherently.
-Cut to the next day, the group are either in some random field, or in a stadium preparing to battle. And hereโ€™s Team Rocket! They do their rather cool spiel then bring out some ridiculous contraption that they use to snatch pikachu and any other nearby pokemon, and then make their getaway. Ash is usually dumbfounded at first, then proceeds to give chase.
-You then see Team Rocket, who, for some unknown reason, have stopped to rest in the middle of a getaway. They usually use the line "the twerps will never find us here". Right. Little do they know, Ash has dispatched one of his flying pokemon and said pokemon has located TR and is watching them during their discussion. The pokemon hastily makes its return to Ash.
-We go back to team Rocket, who a re chillaxing, when all of a sudden, hereโ€™s Ash and company! Then we usually get a dumfounded reaction from T.R., wondering how theyโ€™ve been found. Normally, a small pokemon battle breaks out with Ash and Brock battling Team Rocket and their inept and usually shitty pokemon. During the battle Pikachu is freed in some fashion and returns to Ash.
-We then get Ash sicking pikachu on Team Rocket, usually with a thunderbolt. Team Rocket are sent blasting off with their โ€œWeโ€™re blasting off again!โ€ line.
-Then we have group celebrating their โ€œvictoryโ€
-Finally, we go to a scene with the group and their female friend standing together. Itโ€™s usually sunset, and they are preparing to go their separate ways and doing the good-byes and good lucks to each other. We then see Ash and company walking from the back on heading for their next adventure.

Rinse, Lather, Repeat. Just get it outta here already! (or at least change it)

kid 1 : Wow you got the new Mewtoo card! I'll give you 3 arcanines for it
kid 2: You kidding? Not a chance dude!
kid 1: awww....well hey Pokemon is about to come on TV wanna watch it?
kid 2: Fuck no....way too boring and predictable. Who wants to see Team Rocket get their asses handed to them again

by The Mad Hatter 55 April 21, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very fun rpg video game that i at 18 still injoy about capurturing and figting with kick ass monsters sounds like fun to bad they went ruined in 97 98 by making a baby show about it ruing the 1995 video game

dude pokemon is awesome the game not the queer ass baby show

by xion May 7, 2005

914๐Ÿ‘ 499๐Ÿ‘Ž


A disease that started in Tokyo. It first infected Gameboys in Japan in 1995. Then in 1998 the disease infected Gameboys in America. Soon channel WB11 was infected too, and now Cartoon Network. The ever-so-popular "Gameboy Advance" systems got infected in 2002, and still is. In 1999 the disease started spreading via cardboard aka "Pokemon Trading Card Game". "Nintendo 64" and "Nintendo Gamecube" are infected too. The disease is also spreading via plastic and metal in the toy isles at Wal-Mart, K-mart, toys-r-us, and every other toy store. It is now July 2004, almost 10 years after the start of this addicting, argument instigating disease and it is still out there, but not as bad as its most powerful years(1999-2001).

In 2000, I almost had a heart-attack from the Pokemon Disease!

by ---SeX--- July 23, 2004

7933๐Ÿ‘ 4903๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something people diss because they have too much time or nothing to do. Probabaly posted by the same people who make other words into vulgar slang.

People who diss it would be:
1a.Good counterweights for trebuchets
1b.Good target for your new crossbow
1c.Good for testing the damage radius of a photon torpedo
1d.Shot from a catapult, instead of shooting cows

Pokemon is:
2a.Trading card game
2b.Gameboy Games
2c.TV Show
2d.Anything else i forgot...

1a.Lets see... 200 lb fat kid who hates pokemon for a 20 kg stone... it will demolish the castle!
1c.*KABOOM, pokemon hater is blown up and vaporized
1d.Were out of cows, load on the pokemon haters

2a.Pokemon cards
2b.Im not gonna take the time to list it all
2c.Pokemon shows...

by 284765826538605328656038 May 31, 2004

129๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


in simple terms, the-highly-underestimated-shit
(thats just the gameboy game)
however, the gameboy game, and the TV show, have a very strange story, they are about 10-year-old kids that go to different towns to have monster fights to try to win battles to become the best, shortly after the beginning of this life threatening series, the main character, Ash, who has a pokemon that electricutes him in just about every episode, decides to run around the rest of the city's (based on the names of colors, starting in Pallet town,) with a most likely much older adult who likes hard rock types and cute fire types.

2 friends are on a trip together, the one with the gameboy who played pokemon for 2 hours and is now asleep, is a total badass, his/her friend decides that he/she is bored and decides to play the friends gameboy, at firsts laughs that the kid is playing pokemon, but 2 hours later has evolved charmeleon into charizard, a much more badass version.. when friend A awakes to find that his pokemon game has been played, because he is a badass, he pulls out his real fucking pokeball, and beats the shit outta his buddy

by ArcticSoldier35 May 22, 2008

99๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


some show that gets all the jocks pissed off so they go around saying stupid stuff like

P1:"Dood, Pokemon sucks man, we're so cool we havce cars and a life, FAGS"

P2:"All right man! Awesome joke! gud 1!!!!"

to prove that they're so much cooler and "hardcore" and have a "life" (give me your definition).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sticking up for it, but it seems like the people who hate it are usually retarded.

"Dood, Pokemons sooo GAY FAGS QUEERS!!!!"

"lol gud 1"

*high five*

we're so cool, c'mon, lets sit on a couch and watch some guys play football.....

by Nutsacks April 8, 2006

77๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž