Source Code

Summoner's Rift


Person 1: Yo let's go home, you've been playing for 48 hours straight.
Person 2: Shut your mouth Jimmy, Summoner's Rift is my home.

by Neon Mice July 7, 2018

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guitar Rift

What absolute utter ignorant pricks call a guitar riff. The singular most irritating thing that can ever be said to another human being who knows the correct way to say it is "riff".

Sam- I love that guitar rift from Led Zeppelin's Heartbreaker.
Chaz- I hope you die a lonely, slow, painful death.

by CharlieGiggles September 12, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

oculus rift

A company that had a promising future until it got devoured by Facebook.

Farmville already sucks. Why did they buy oculus rift just to make it 3D?

by shpee April 26, 2014

22๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cosmic Rift

The best game ever, download it at www.cosmicrift.com

Cool Guy: Cosmic rift is better than CS, SC, D2, and WC3
Cool Guy: *click *clock *BLAM!!!
Nerd: wtf... you type killed me?

by meh November 11, 2003

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rift herald

Hitting it from the back. A reference to a League of Legends monster, which is defeated by hurting it from the back.

"aye ima rift herald that bitch"

by dachromiehomie December 9, 2020

wild rift

short for League of Legends: Wild Rift, the official mobile version of the MOBA game League of Legends developed by Riot Games

: let's play wild rift
ml plier: dead game

by pepperpepper July 8, 2021

Rift to go

When you wanna get to safe zone, so you come out of a portal in the sky

Dude: Hey Bro shall we Rift to go
You: Nah bro we'll be fi-*gets knocked*

by Gecko :) April 11, 2019