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freak the shit out of

to really really scare someone

man, horror movies freak the shit out of me.

by oh-well November 10, 2009

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

fuck the shit out of

When you do a bitch so hard she either bleeds or cries, and not just on her first time.

"I'm gonna fuck the shit out of that bitch, cuz she got a fine ass."

by Sam Brown August 3, 2006

470πŸ‘ 220πŸ‘Ž

shit in, shit out

In video/film business, it compares to when you have a crappy footage on tape or memory card (i.e. too dark, over exposed, out of focus) and you digitize them into the computer. The truth is, it will never look good if you bring the bad (shit) into the editing system in the first place.

John: "What is that? It looks so shitty. I'm wondering who shot it"

Jay: "Yeah, it's totally out of focus"

John: "You know they say.. shit in, shit out. Shit goes in, shit comes out"

by jayjar March 1, 2010

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Shitting out pythons

A near-endless log of shit that travels out your anus that is very long, like a python

Just ate those sketchy sausages, and I'm shitting out pythons!

by ElephantShit1050 January 7, 2023

shit out a shark

metaphor: To defecate any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales.

"hey mate, you'll be around to help me move on the weekend yeah?"

"Yeah i'm more likely to Shit Out A Shark, ya fuck knuckle"

by SharkFunk April 30, 2010

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Shit out of Luck

(1) The word speaks for itself. Get used to it. You're shit out of Luck.

*A man walks into a convenience store in the middle of nowhere, drenched in sweat*

Man: Help! My car just broke down 6 miles away. Can you....

*Clerk interrupts*

Clerk: You're shit out of Luck. I'm just closing.

Man: HEY! Fuck you! Help me, you bastard!

Clerk: Fuck off, I'm going home.

by SteppinNeppin September 13, 2009

48πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Get that shit out

'Get that shit out' is an expression, usually out of annoyance, similar to gtfo. However, it can be used indirectly, towards objects for example. It is also used to show dominance over a thing.

Credit can go to a young man named Sam S. for inventing the term.

A basketball player goes up for a slam dunk, and another player knocks the ball out of his hand while yelling, "Get that shit out!" Thus it is refering both to the basketball and to the player's attempt at scoring.

A waiter brings you something that you didn't order, you can simply say, "Get that shit out," in a Mr. T voice.

You can say "Get that shit out," as you throw an object off a cliff in rage.

by DrΓΌd September 2, 2008

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