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Skreet Skrimp

When the skreets are so hot you cook Skrimp on em.

Yo it's hot my nigga we should fry up some skreet skrimp.

by BGCanipe July 15, 2017

Skrimp Juice

A beer with an Adderall

I put a whole one in my beer. Now it’s Skrimp Juice, yerom.

by GetOffMyLand June 23, 2019


To bend over like a cooked shrimp while playing a video game

Man my favorite streamer always be skrimping

by Saltywolve November 26, 2022


Sex, f*ckin.

Shiiddd..Let skrimp then.

by May 16, 2022


The art of smuggling Malaysian children

Let’s go skrimping

by NotLauchlan October 16, 2022


A bomb azz ni🅱️🅱️a, but also not obligated to the Indubldle term legit lads

Damn, them boyz hella skrimp cuh

by OleJewHunter July 5, 2018


Sum bomb azz ni🅱️🅱️az, also referred but not obligated to the term GOD

I’m feeling Lika skrimp to day cuh

by OleJewHunter July 5, 2018