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Some people like it, others don't. But we all know it is crumbling.

Guy 1. I'm moving to Greenland, i can't stand what has happened to us.

Guy 2. What the hell are you talking about? I think modern society is the best!

by Rundownturner4 December 27, 2016


That thing you blame for the mistakes you made in your life
Also the most popular fall guy until George Bush

-Yo Joe, why you rob that bank?

-Dude that was society's fault man

by I don't need a pseudonym November 15, 2012

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A thing that oppresses all the gamers

Person 1: woah, imagine how the world would have been like without society
Person 2: You mean society without society?
Person 1:Yeah
Person 2: That would be pretty neat

by Humphrey the third of Sardinia December 17, 2019

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The only reason this shithole website exists

Susan: Hey let's enter SOCIETY
Clark: OK *types in Urbandictionary.com on phone* done!
Susan: -.-

by CrayZLord January 15, 2018


A place that we live in

We live in a society.

by BasileusJustinian October 9, 2018


Usually refers to the cultural environment that DOMINATES where one lives. However, one is still a part of society regardless of their stance towards the dominant values of that society. Society includes everybody from CEOs to antiglobalization protester to drug addicts. Whose values dominate tends to depend on which social subgroup has the most POWER.
If you don't like the values that dominate your society, all you can do is stand up, speak out and live the values that you cherish most. My opinion is that it helps little to criticize a society without presenting viable alternative values.

Jane Investor thinks Joe Junkie is a blight on society because he lives in violation of her values. Society will grow by listening to Joe Junkie's inability or unwillingness to fit in more than it will from condemning him.

by trevorMOTB November 20, 2008

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The world we live in that oppresses gamers

Chad: I'm gonna fuck Veronica
Veronica: ok
Gamer: I love you Veronica
Veronica: ew creep
Gamer: We live in a society

by Societyliver May 13, 2019

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