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spore chasing

when one is actively seeking shrooms

Do you happen to have a connection, I'm spore chasing.

by whatsthewordforit February 8, 2015


Often shortened to spore-n. Taking an obsessive,lustful interest in the creatures and aspects of Spore.

Spore fan: "I just saw a cool creature with immense bulgo arms."
Other guy: "Calm down dude! We don't all get off on Spore-nography!"

by TheHough December 5, 2008

Spore fister

One who fists spores.

Fungi reproduces asexually through sporing. Thus, those individuals who you call "asexual" as an insult can also be called a "spore fister" as they are attracted to spores.

You're such an asexual spore fister!

by AxlRose August 10, 2007

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Spore Whore

A person male or female that will do anything or anyone for a few minutes on the video game spore.

Guy 1-Yo man that spore whore gave me his car for just fifteen minutes!

Guy 2-Oh shit man that's tight my Spore Whore... well she gave me something


by fieryeskimo351 September 20, 2008

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Spore Speedrun

Commonly reffered to as e-sex. spore speed run is when you are in vc watching a man named josh beat the spore world record. its also very hot and can be a way to find out if your friend is catfishing you with an e-girl alt

Big Tim: Hey wanna have e-sex
Wesley Weldman: ofc i love watching Spore Speedruns

by BrennansBread January 13, 2021

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spore cysts

Holes in the Carapace of Tyranids that shoot spore mines in the game of Warhammer 40'000.

My Carnifex has the SPORE CYSTS biomorph

by Braden Erle April 10, 2008

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nik spore

a white nigga that has a threesome between him,his sister, and his fuckbuddy Evan

Don’t be a Nik Spore

by niggNik Spore September 13, 2019

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