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Sweetheart Deal

A plea bargain lawyers negotiate with a criminal to get him or her to roll over on a bigger fish. Usually a lighter sentence and witness relocation is offered.

The Tran brothers could've gotten 20 to life for their involvement on the shooting but the prosecutors gave them a sweetheart deal if they testified against crimelord Peter Chong.

by genericaddress@gmail.com June 30, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

sweethearted perv

A person who has a heart of gold and is always there for family and love ones no matter how the situation is, and at the same time has a naughty mouth and is a sex freak when it comes to the bedroom

A well balanced mix, karma calmer

"mario is such a sweetheart sometimes but also has such a perverted mouth"... sweethearted perv

by Choad327 May 5, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sweetheart Shot

A photograph of a person with their significant other, the peanut butter to their jelly, the Bonnie to their Clyde, Romeo to their Juliet, hokey to their pokey. A sweetheart shot is a photo of lovers, many a time self shot complete with magnetic head shot and photo arm. Awww... <3

"Chris and Riley closed in together for a sweetheart shot of the two of them."

"While sorting through his grandfather's belongings, he came across an album documenting several years of sweetheart shots. Except, the person in the pictures was not his grandmother."

by Stellababe May 26, 2013

frat sweetheart

A fraternity sweetheart is elected by the men of the fraternity to serve as the House sweetheart, She is the female face of the fraternity and spends allot of time helping with events and projects, usually once a week she is invited to a dinner at the house, all of the men wear shirts and ties and are on their best behavior. Usually the sweetheart is a sorority girl, but not always. The sweetheart is held in very high regard and is treated with absolute dignity and respect. It is not a beauty contest, she must have good moral character, have excellent grades and be able to speak in front of a crowd. Being pretty doest hurt but it will not win the right to be called sweetheart. A week long contest is held in order to crown a house sweetheart. The contest is judged by the entire fraternity. The contest consists of raising money for charity, decorating sheets to hang on houses, essay contest, public speaking contest, and social interaction with members, usually the contestants try to bribe members with breakfast, cookies ,candies and singing. Once crowned sweetheart they rule for the entire year and become very close to the brothers.

Every year the brothers of each Sigma Chi Chapter choose one worthy young woman to represent our Chapter of Sigma Chi for a full year as the frat sweetheart. She is known as the "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi"

by moondog3715 February 23, 2014

151๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

college sweetheart

Much like a high school sweetheart, except that this is a significant other that you have kept through most of your college career.

James and I are college sweethearts, we have been together for over two years in college.

by ,vicjames5 September 24, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

myspace sweethearts

The new generation of "High School Sweethearts. Falling in love with someone through comments and messages on myspace and then potentially marrying them once you meet.

Little Timmy to Little Bobby at school in 2020- "yeah, my parents were my space sweethearts when they were younger."

"How'd you meet your wife Jon?"
"We were myspace sweethearts back in the day"

by BritBrit3 June 1, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

sternface sweetheart

any person who looks stern or is strict by face or rules but is a sweet from his/her heart.Deep affection of a person who does not want to disclose ones feelings.

1.my mother is such a sternface sweetheart.
2.usually people of military are sternface sweethearts.

by angelic devil September 7, 2010

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