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swindle cat

a person who swindles people regularly (steals from them/ lies to them/ cheats them)

man, that kid took all my money then rode my bike to the bank to deposit it, he's a swindle cat


that swindle cat ate my food when i wasn't looking

by Papa Beans April 27, 2008

swindle fever

a metal state of mind or a state of being mentally mindfucked in which one will never recover.

whats wrong with ken he looks like a junkie riding a needle ?
he's got the Swindle fever.

oh no - no .

by gristletoe August 17, 2017

slang swindle

When you think you coined a cool slang word, but then find out that somebody else already came up with it.

I thought i invented the word "thrift whore", but it turns out i was slang swindled.

by cup0joe22 September 8, 2010

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Swahili Swindle

The Swahili Swindle is a sexy maneuver in which while you're doing your partner in the doggy-style position, you prick them in the ass with an AIDs infected needle.

Tony: Yo Jaamal, you give Shaniqua da AIDS?!
Jaamal: I gave the girl the Swahili Swindle!

by Mein Kampfident November 8, 2009

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The Great Rock'N'Roll Swindle

One of the best Sex Pistols albums, also made into a movie.

Its the only album that has "My Way" by Sid Vicious clearly recorded.

by Holly the smartass January 22, 2005

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super-size returnable-container swindle

Refers to the pathetically-selfish practice of a miser’s offering a naïve fellow human one or more huge trash bags full of returnable containers as payment for his running one or more errands and/or performing some task around the shyster’s house or property, only for the hapless workman to later discover that the bags merely contain a comparatively few very large (i.e., gallon and/or 2-/3-liter) plastic containers, rather than the logically-expected “haul” of many dozens of ordinary-sized glass/plastic drink-bottles and aluminum beverage-cans; he is thus being paid only a small fraction of the “apparent reimbursement” that the gigantic bulging bags had “implied”.

I always insist on either “counting through” bags of bottles/cans before accepting them as payment for something, or having clear-plastic sacks be used to bag up the returnables, so that I can actually see the size/type/number of the containers inside the bags, and thus be more sure of getting the approximate reimbursement that I’ve been led to believe I’d be receiving as my end of the deal... there are waaaay too many advantage-takers out there who are eager to try to pull the ol' "super-size returnable-container swindle" on people like me.

by QuacksO September 9, 2018


The semi polite way of saying your going to steal something.

I don't have any money until payday, I'll have to go swindling to get that new outfit i saw.

Friend 1 - That's a nice jacket, wherre is it from?
friend 2 - i swindled it from kmart.

by infectedslut November 29, 2022