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full admiral

when a man rams his penis into a woman's anus so hard, his balls also enter the anus. best executed when shouting "HUZZAH!" shortly thereafter.

woman-harder! Harder!...wait...OW!!!

man-HUZZAH! The full admiral has arrived!

by xpipx September 17, 2007

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Admiral Akbar

It's a Trap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a Trap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by T-Dog Jenkins June 13, 2004

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tapping the admiral

sneaking a furtive, illicit alcoholic drink. The term stems from the case of British Admiral Nelson, whose corpse was pickled, in brandy, after dying at sea & sparked rumours that his men would drink from the barrell.

"We have a meeting with the boss this morning, wait until the afternoon before tapping the admiral"

by giraffe-o September 23, 2008

59๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Distant Admirer

A person who you feel drawn towards and have a strong appreciation for but nevertheless you are satisfied with your distant and perhaps non-existent relationship.

The guy at my bus stop is my distant admirer, dang, he always looks so cute.

by sophadelic July 14, 2014

Admiration Day

The last workday of the week, usually a Friday, when one tries to do less actual work and spend more time admiring the work done earlier in the week.

On Admiration Day:
Bob - "Did you get any work done Today?"
James - "Almost nothing but I got plenty of things done earlier this week."

by Jonathan Ribhole August 8, 2008

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Admirals Wishbone

The Admirals Wishbone originated in Rota,Spain on a Spanish Naval Base. The Admirals Wishbone is a sexual act, the nature of this act is thought by some to be impossible. To successfully do The Admirals Wishbone, one must take his balls into a womens anus while he still is banging her vagina. Thus creating a wishbone type of shape.

Guy 1: "Bro! Last night me and Sally got freaky and she let me do the Admirals Wishbone."

Guy 2: "Nice Bro! You deserve some shots tonight!"

by Conway TittyBang December 11, 2013

Admiral Douchebag

The highest level of douchebaggage in the heirarchy of plain douchebag, total douchebag, and captain douchebag. This person has attained a zen-like oneness with being a complete and total fucknut and has been consistant with it for years, if not decades. They are the yoda of the douchebag kingdom.
Often in a position of power, they study new ways and methods of being a complete douchebag and impose their will upon those below them. They can be easily identified in the wild via office parties, as the one to give a speech that strokes themselves and uses horrible jokes to humiliate employees. Ironically, this species does not get along with its own, as they tend to terrorize lower level douchebags, such as the Captain Douchebags.

Admiral douchebag is going to fuck us with our raises again this year.

by DrSmooth June 26, 2006

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