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Birthday Cake Face

Someone who is wearing too much badly applied, thick makeup. So much, that it resembles icing on a cake.

Look at that birthday cake face, her make-ups so thick she could literally stick a few candles in it.

by pensereiffel November 12, 2010

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Birthday Cake Bitch

Someone who overides your birthday with their own drama which makes out you are in the wrong when it is them.

When a person pretends to do something nice for your birthday such as baking a cake, then throws a hissy fit the day before your birthday involving ignoring you for several days, then blaming you for ignoring them, resulting in said person becoming the BIRTHDAY CAKE BITCH

by Birthday Cake Victim August 17, 2011

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Happy Birthday Cake

The same as a normal birthday cake but is used for when asked to name a item of food starting with the letter β€˜H’

Person: β€œName An Item Of Food Starting With The Letter β€˜H’ β€œ

Person 2: β€œHappy Birthday Cake”

by Kxle4567 November 26, 2019

Brummie Birthday Cake

The act of defecating inside a woman's vagina, ejaculating one's load upon the vagina and finally putting out a cigar or cigarette on top of the mixture of dung and semen. All this is to be done on a very special occasion; predominantly on a birthday.

Oi mate, did you see my post on facebook last night?
Yeah lad, that were right grim... What cake was that? Ham and Chocolate?
Nah mate, that were a Brummie Birthday Cake.

by Russell Feathers June 20, 2016

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birthday cake sprinkles

The act of a toddler blowing out his/her candles and sprinkling the icing with unwanted saliva from his inexpertise of blowing out candles.

Ooooh, did you see those birthday cake sprinkles? I will be eating the piece on the far back corner... the safety zone... I didn't ask for kid spit with my cake.

by quirky me July 31, 2010

Mexican Birthday Cake

When you send someone (who is in jail) a cake with a file in it

Pedro got busted for mastubating in public and was put in jail. So his best friend John sent him a Mexican Birthday Cake

by Pedro_Salty_Ballz August 9, 2009

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first birthday cake

This cake is the dried and combined juices of both parents when a successful conception has occurred. It can be found anywhere and is not recommended for eating.

Two hours after confirmation that she was pregnant, Ashley finally washed her sheets and got rid of the first birthday cake.

by von groovy March 1, 2019