Source Code


A game console that people are more interested in hacking and modifying rather than playing games.

A console made by Microsoft simply because they want to dominate everything available.

They already have a hold on the computer OS industry, but seem to want to take over the video game industry as well.

A rather medicore game console that is made interesting only because you can hack and edit it, but has no real good games.

The same type of games on Xbox can be bought for a PS2 or on a PC/Mac.

by LadyLomia November 16, 2006

122๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž



Stop chewing that piece of gum, spit it in the XBOX.

by Jockscar January 7, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A system made by the antichrist corporation to compete with the major companys.

2. A house.

My fucking xbox burned down last night with my dog inside!

by Ser Hax0r February 25, 2005

201๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the three current mainstream consoles. Although there is a little variety in the xbox library, it is basically a system for those who want mindless bloodbath shooters.

The Xbox is single-handed responsible for the generation of kids that are growing up thinking they are total badasses because they run over cops in Grand Theft Auto.

by little geek July 16, 2005

142๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


A good code word for weed.
Playing Xbox=smoking weed.
(Live) Subscription= the weed that's bought and/or used
Xbox Controller= Any instrument of your choice to smoke the weed.

GameStop= your dealer, or anywhere you can purchase any "Controllers"

-Any other related Xbox material could be used as a code word of your choice too! Be Creative!

Mom- What are you boys doing?
Little Jimmy- oh, just gonna play some Xbox up in the attic. But i need to get a live subscription first at GameStop. We just Can't wait to break in our new controllers too!
Mom-Oh, you boys have fun Me and Daddy will be in the basement playing Dreamcast!

Little Jimmy-Umm....

by Black Man 2012 February 19, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

xbox on

A command you can use when your electronic devices aren't working. It can also be used on your wife when she doesn't cook you dinner, though this may result in her filing for divorce.

Husband: Honey, what's for dinner?
Wife: Jeffrey I don't think Billy should grow up with you in this household. You're always drinking and smoking. You never spend time with him.
Husband: XBOX ON
Wife:I want a divorce.

by dankyspanks27 February 21, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


American made gaming system, that is out classed by japanese gaming systems. Many of the games are crap and it is doing horribly in japan and appeals to americans.

Oh... Xbox live american tradition

by Nellly June 23, 2005

39๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž