when the conscious mind of others trespass into your conscious to manipulate and steal your intellectual property and value of your self
The spiritual officers new line of duty was to enforce active new laws against conscious trespassing that was happening to the culture due to greed.
Places on THE STRIP have this massive habit of trespassing and assuming you will go in and take a chance to avoid the wrath of a trespass.
When security wants to match trespass from one of the same corporation to another location.
It is nothing more than THE TRESPASS GHOST that ends up tripping up ANAL ALAN again and again.
Just the use of a TRESPASS GHOST PSYCHIATRY will do the trick especially if security plays off the VEGAS NAZISM.
The word many people use for the term No-Trespass Warning given to people by law enforcement when they create a disturbance in a store.
Kashina threw a fit when Popeye's ran out of fried chicken. The police were called and gave her a no trespass warning.
The manager told the employees; :" She is trespassed , call the cops when she comes in here again!"
While engaged in Doggy-style intercourse, A man moving his penis from the vagina to rectum quickly without notifying his partner, Typically used when said partner is not fond of anal sex.
Sheila doesn't like anal sex, but I managed to get a few strokes in using the Texas Trespass last night.
A L O N E is your TRESPASS PARTNER as always BANK ON IT as there is always only TW0 INVOLVED seems to be BUTT don't bet on that that is just the TRIGGER MAN and you are ANAL ALAN JEWUSH HOMOSEXUAL COPROPHILE ALAN I WALDMAN the POINT MAN where they are always pointing their SMELLY FINGERS but no worries there is a LIMIT to outright violation of THE H0LEY ASSH0LE.