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White Privilege

A term black people came up with to make white people feel bad for literally existing and nothing more.

Black Guy: *honor roll student* *gets $500 in scholarships for being smart plus $2000 in awards simply for being black*

White guy: *honor roll student* *gets $500 scholarship for being smart*
Black Guy: hmph, fuck him and his white privilege *robs a store*

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 13, 2023

1368๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Privilege

When you describe the term "White Privilege" as being as offensive as the N-word.

Did someone honestly argue that White Privilege is as offensive as the N-word? That's the textbook definition of White Privilege.

by No Hemingway June 15, 2020

531๐Ÿ‘ 12749๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Privilege

White Privilege isn't "your life is easy because you're white". White Privilege is "your life isn't made harder because of your white skin." No one is saying your life is easy and you don't have troubles, but unlike people of color, those troubles aren't BECAUSE of your whiteness.

"White Privilege is real and if you say it isn't, you're most likely white and ur mom's a hoe"

by sam2 April 9, 2019

452๐Ÿ‘ 1665๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Privilege

A made up term used by SJW's/Twitter users when they have no valid argument left

Person 1: That's just white privilege!

Person 2: Oh you one of thooose

by No_____ December 8, 2020

1856๐Ÿ‘ 446๐Ÿ‘Ž

white privilege

A lie that helps far-left people in convincing themselves that racism against whites is OK.

This guy is successful not because he worked for decades to be in the place he is right now, but because his whiteness and his white privilege.

by ospreay March 19, 2020

6818๐Ÿ‘ 495๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Privilege

White people who underestimate how bad a problem is by default because they are never personally exposed to that problem. * It is not a personal attack or a moral judgement of how difficult your life is.

White guy: There's a K9 police cruiser. Let me look inside.
Black guy: Dude, get away from that car!!! Do you wanna be arrested?!?
White guy: Arrested?!? It's not illegal to look in a cop car.
Black guy: Don't worry about it, that's just your white privilege talking.

by Chad T. Worthingtons September 18, 2017

140๐Ÿ‘ 1354๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Privilege

A made up term by an old femcel named Peggy McIntosh. The term has arbitray criteria for which white people have unforeseen advantages as evidenced by nothing but cherry picked circumstances. It is essentially a new wave of bigotry disguised as anti-bigotry.

"See this Huffpost article? We have two different court cases from different states, involving different people, different laws, with different outcomes. The white criminal got less time than the black criminal! This is evidence of white privilege."

"Yes, but it appears there is more to these cases than the clickbait article. The black criminal has been a repeat offender and resisted. The white criminal made his first offence, entered a guilty plea, and turned himself in...."

"Stop mansplaining me. I am literally shaking right now"

by CEO of Fascism Inc. January 12, 2021

2432๐Ÿ‘ 409๐Ÿ‘Ž