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yah trick yah

To get out of the persons face. Leave them alone and stop rapping them up

Bob: I love your songs they are so wonderful I created a fan club and
Dave: (interuption) YAH TRICK YAH

by darnell GOGOOG February 19, 2008

106๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

yah bitch yah

History: Made famous by the soulja boy song called yahhh bitch in the year 2008 A.D. A hit among urban music lovers across the continental U.S., yahhh bitch was discovered by a group of students at The Ohio State University during a new rap music conquest event held every Thursday evening.

Definition: If someone is annoying you in any way by means of asking for something, congratulating you in a kiss-ass fashion, or trying to be your acquaintance for no reason other than your perpetual sweetness; you may interrupt them with a swift "YAHHH BITCH YAAAAHHHHH!!!". This act usually leaves the assailants confused, even flabbergasted making a quick exit for the YBY user possible. Broken down to the basics, it symbolically means 'get out my face, hoe'. This term is synonymous with the famous "shupbish". Although this phrase is usually reserved for the famous, if you are an 'Average Joe' but someone is being extremely annoying, you may feel the power of YBY coming over you; then and only then is it ok to go ahead and spout YAAHH BITCH YAAAHH at the top of your lungs.

Uses for yah bitch yah:

Fan 1: Hey Soulja Boy can I get your autograp..
Fan 2: Yo Arab, I really like you, man....


by Kyle T.K. February 2, 2008

75๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


both sexes wera rugby shirts with collars up. Used to wear burgundy or even red jeans, but I believe this practice has died out. Some of these people are just plain nasty.

by dave September 14, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


YAH, You Are Here

signs in buildings, telling you where you are....YAH!

by shn June 23, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term with Germanic-So Cal-Sando roots used to embarrass a person after an idiotic comment.

IDIOTIC COMMENT: "you're mom is so fat, we're inside her right now!" YAH RESPONSE: stare, long pause and resounding response:

by pangibar July 14, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of any second generation Irish-American Notre Dame students susceptible to extended periods of lethargy and capable of imbibing alcoholic beverages at a rate of consumption slightly greater than that of a 100-pound female.

Has anybody seen the Yah lately?

by Greg Duvall February 29, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


The mating call made by a rare breed of animal known as the 'Spaniard-cubanius oldus grandmadios' Repeated several time during takeoff this high pitched whine scares away most of its prey. It usually flaps its wings while screaming at the top of its lungs and running in circles. This species is usually found in sub-tropical areas in surrounding publix supermarkets and enjoys to instigate fights, enter prohibited areas, and mumbling prayers to those who listen. Be wary of its painfull bite, like a shark this animal leaves in teeth in its prey and can always bother its medical insurance for a new pair. This creature is deaf by its own choice and improves its eyesight one eye at a time.
Devoted workaholic. Loves publix supermarkets.
Experts on this animal suggest you run if its mating call is heard. "YAH! YAH! YAH! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Shortly after this sound is hear expect a sonic boom due to this animals ability to take off at supersonic speeds.

"A unsatisfied Cable Client:While watching a documentary on this animal on the Discovery channel, My TV sets speakers broke due to the Sonicboom caused by this creature after it cried out it's making call and took off at mach2"

Confusius say:"YAH YAH YAAAAAAAAAH!!!"

For more information see 'Spaniard-cubanius oldus grandmadios'

by Mung August 3, 2003

4๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž