Zakarias is the name of a guy who drinks at least five cups of coffee each day, as he drowns in homework he doesn't even need to do since he is already born super smart. He also loves beer more than water, rumors say he is made out of at least 80% beer.
How could he drink all that and still be sober? He is so Zakarias!
Zakaria is a man with a huge dick probably muslim drives a 2024 calmaro zl1 good at sports 6 pack with the mentality of a lion on steriods
i choked on zaks cock yesterday
zakaria is making my pussy wet!
Not really explaining a word here, but if you want to read, go ahead.
Zakaria was a boy i fell in love with. I wouldn't say I immediately fell in love at first sight but he did capture my eye. I hated the fact i liked him because I would be so conflicted with all these different emotions, I never really liked anyone before then. I was also younger so I guess you could say I was going through hormonal changes. But one thing I really wanted to do was get to know him better, which never really happened. I wasn't all that close to him but I could tell that he was a smart, responsible and confident person. I really wanted to be like him, so I guess his personality is what I fell for, but he was equally attractive and cute lol. One thing I regret would be not confessing to him, because due to circumstances, i don't see him anymore. So to anyone reading this, I advise you to confess to the person you like, because even if you get rejected you have an answer and will no longer overthink anymore.
wishing you all the best zakaria!!
Zakaria got biggest cock in Denmark and all thw girls wanst to suck his big black cock
Zakaria is the guy all the girls wants to sock his dick because its huge
Zakaria is a cool dude he will slap u up in a fight and gets all the girls he roars like a lion and all the bad guys fly away from him dont mess with him
Female1:omg its zakaria hows my hair
Female2: its am-