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A particularly stodgy shit that wont leave your arse. The type produced after eating food at a German Beer Keller.

Jeez, that Eisbeinesse last night, it must have left Nick with quite an anchor. I heard him int early hours puffing and panting in the lav. It must have been so painful to release, but when it did, it went with quite a splash.

by Streaker30 August 14, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you suck horribly at beerpong

wow, I haven't made a cup, I'm the anchor of this team

by mrs. hardy April 22, 2010

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Answering the Needs of Citizens w/ Handicaps thru Organized Recreation.

A camp for children and adults w/ special needs and handicaps, such as Downs Syndrome, autism, and much much more.

One of the happiest places you'll ever be in.

Campers wear red, volunteers wear blue, staff wear white, and young adults wear green.

Its really awesome, and everyone wants to go, and people who dont are really jealous.

Camp during the summer is def the best.

ANCHOR is my favorite way to spend the summer.

by KTrain and BR July 27, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that stops a group cuz its important.


Dave: "Hey man why are we stopping?"

St3ve: "Oh, lesbo Jenny stopped to see the huge topless cheerleader parade with the free drinks and the Piper planes crashing on purpose to make the audience laugh over there, that's a real anchor isn't itOH MY GOD!!!" *RUNS LIKE SHIT*

by Trigonometrium October 19, 2007

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a person who oversees and coordinates a news cast

The anchor messed up badly last night.

by The Return of Light Joker November 9, 2010

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Noun. Brakes.(On a car)

"I slammed the anchors on and hit my head on the steering wheel."

by Alex Quantashassle February 14, 2005

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anchor is a reminder of attraction when dating

the player may use his pen as an anchor to have her remember when she gave him her number

by Clinton Ziza Smith May 12, 2006

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