Goofy ahh material. Can be used to give you lung cancer but can make your penis bigger as well.
1. I found some asbestos!
2. Damn that’s some goofy ahh name for a material lemme have some 😮 💨😮 💨😮 💨
n. CHOO-ing a-SBES-tis, -tos
Loose long-fiber asbestos intended for chewing
I used to inhale asbestos dust, but these days I prefer to use chewing asbestos
West Virginia and Wyoming are the only states that still allow the sale of chewing asbestos
Someone suffering from one of the lesser-known side effects of asbestos exposure, namely being a massive, drooling pervert.
Common side-effects include a tendency to chubbuck.
Stop being such an enormous asbesto-perv, its only yoga!
All of these birthday cards are practically smothered in unicorn asbestos.
That girl is obsessed with unicorn asbestos.
Excuse me, sir, would you have any unicorn asbestos for men’s beards?