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clerks 2

the sequal to clerks, the latest in a long line of of great kevin smith movies (which include clerks, jersey girl, chasing amy, jay and silent bob strike back...i think im forgetting one but oh well)

but it is another classic that you all have to like right now

clerks and clerks 2 are the best of kevin smiths great works

by jizzle dizzle July 23, 2006

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Clerk Lurk

When a clerk or sales associate follows you around the store so they can ask you if you "have any questions." Usually they*just happen* to be folding clothes right next to you, and when you walk to a different part of the store, they miraculously appear right by your side, re-folding shirts, looking at you intently.

"Yesterday I was at PacSun, minding my own buisiness, when I got clerk-lurked by Johnny the sales associate again."
"No, for the one-hundred-forty-seventh time, I don't have any questions. Quit clerk lurkin' me and mind your own buisiness."

by Arianna MK December 20, 2014

cooch clerk

a woman who sells her vagina for crack.

the cooch clerk is giving me a %10 discount because i have loads of store cred! HIGH FIVE!

by orange123 March 2, 2009

the clerk avenger

A super hero that gives hope to sales clerks and customer service representatives everywhere.

The Clerk Defender finds those that choose to be outrageous assholes to the fine people in customer service. He knows these assholes feel secure in the knowledge these poor customer service bastards are either too timid to stand up for themselves, or more likely do not want to lose their job.

The Clerk Avenger does not fear losing his job.

The Clerk Avenger brutally sodomizes assholes with a jaggedly broken 2" thick broom handle. He then leaves them to contemplate what life decisions they have made to warrant such a horrible fate.

Some say the Clerk Avenger is a menace! A Vigilante!

Some say The Clerk Avenger has no right to be a one man judge, jury, and sodomizer.

Those people are assholes. And should watch out......

For the Clerk Avenger.

Asshole: "I went to Home Depot the other day and told the kid on the sales floor his job was shit and so was he. Then I demanded a product that I effectively described as a thing that does a thing. He didn't know what I meant, because he was an idiot and I told him so. For some reason a man in spandex beat me and sodomized me with a big piece of splintery wood. Why would such a thing happen to me?"

Asshole's friend (who's probably an asshole too): "That happened to me the other day. It was The Clerk Avenger!"

by Corwin Mhael December 26, 2013

Courtesy Clerk

Basically a slave

That guy is a Courtesy clerk it must be brutal

by JohnnyKun1 June 17, 2019

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stupidest fuckin job in the world
you push carts clean up shit and bag groceries

"clean up on aisle 5 for a courtesty-clerk"

by courtesy April 30, 2008

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When a low-level office clerk tries to exert 'muscle' by giving you a hard time for (or about) something, usually around policy interpretation, purchases, or just about anything they feel they can demonstrate their ability to think at a higher level.

When an office admin assistant, unnecessarily questions (ergo delays)your expense submissions, by asking detailed questions, even if they had previously been approved. This can be refered to, as clerk-flex.

by Supo January 18, 2007

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