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gene cuisine

Genetically-enhanced GMO food and pre-prepped (pre-prepared) meals.
Also called frankenfood/ phood/ phfod.

Activists think that gene cuisine will lead us to 'Farmaggedon': farmland Armaggedon!

by hammer---;, hytham April 14, 2007

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vertical cuisine

A.k.a. 'tall food': food presentation that gets the whole dish in a pile in the middle.

Food-presentation forms other than vertical cuisine:
-plating: small pieces of food, not overly decorated.
-foams: a new method of presenting food as frothy and aerated for more flavor!

by hammer---;, hytham April 16, 2007

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lean cuisine

when something is so horrible, that you begin to laugh & cry at the same time

mr. capriolla is such a sucky teacher, he would be the mac & cheese of lean cuisine.

by autumn freakin' turner November 6, 2007

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poubelle cuisine

Punning French reference (appeared in one French movie, I forget which) to rubbishy food, especially oversold rubbishy food. A poubelle is a rubbish bin. Hence poubelle cuisine as opposed to nouvelle cuisine, geddit?

There, and we take the scrapings from the bin liner, mix it in with a few tabs of stale butter, microwave it for five minutes and they won't know the difference. Voila, poubelle cuisine.

by Fearman February 10, 2008

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Somali Cuisine

The act of fusing a 69 sex position with the well-known blumpkin foreplay. In which, two people give each other oral sex, and both parties are defecating simultaneously.

"Drew Brees took Oprah out to dinner, then for dessert gave her the Somali Cuisine!"

by Cucumber Slumber April 9, 2015

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crack cuisine

delicious combination of goldfish and raisins
named as such for its regular consumption in the crack den

"Yo man, I'm gonna have some of this crack cuisine while you finesse that hose!"

by greenyboy April 13, 2010

cuisine traversing

The art of moving food around your plate so it looks like you've eaten more than you actually have.

Ugh, Nana's mushroom and sauerkraut pie is so bad I'm going to have to do some cuisine traversing!

by freezersyeah August 8, 2017