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Thot Decimator

An absolute Badass who can incinerate T H O T S within seconds. It takes years of training to be accepted by the gods.

Bro, Tucker is a Thot Decimator

by DealingRocket76 March 14, 2018

decimal comma

a comma used in some countries outside the US that acts as a decimal point. It can confuse the shit out of people who travel to other countries.

Example of decimal comma: โ‚ฌ1,199 per Liter
one thousand one hundred an ninety-nine euros for a liter of gas?
No idiot, one euro and nineteen and nine tenths cents.

by nilethe146 June 18, 2014

decimal dust

a miniscule amount.

$1.6 Million is decimal dust when it comes to NFL salaries.

by MWMWDuckDUCK January 24, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

bloody decimal

1) This is when a decimal point is created by getting some stupid emo to cut themselves and bleed on the page to create a decimal point.

2) When you punch someone straight in the forehead wearing a single circular-mount ring causing a red mark to appear on their forehead.

1) "Come here Ohmed u fuckin emo kid i need a bloody decimal to add effect to my work."

2) "That bloody decimal looked sore"
"It was"

by Kilted Kayaker November 23, 2006

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spewey Decimal System

Based on the Dewey Decimal System, a method of organizing and cataloging pornography created by Chris Griffin

Stewie: These are impressively organized and cataloged.
Chris: People in the community like things well-labeled, so I developed the Spewey Decimal System.

by Large Magellanic Cloud December 12, 2022

Dewi Decimal Rounding

The act of rounding the time up or down depending on whether your about to go on smoko or finish your smoko

Boss: You cant leave now there's still 15 minutes left of work
Me: Sorry Donna, dewi decimal rounding says I can round it up and finish now

by Falcon2.0 May 4, 2020

skittle diddle decimal system

The female equivalent of a spank bank.

That pic of Jason Momoa in a loin cloth is filed away in my skittle diddle decimal system.

by Dylan Donnie-Duke Dali Llama February 18, 2020