A descriptor used to define a total brick-brained bozoid that lacks the motor skills of a competent individual.
"Hey look Landon, that lady over there just ran into a wall and dropped her keys, wallet, and phone!"
"Boy, she's quite ditzy"
Ditzie is a Dumb ass Hoe name. Girls with this name are Usually a short girl, messy hair, very lazy and has an addiction to caffeinated candy and drinks. Can find them passed out drunk on a park bench at anytime of day. A boy version of a Ditzie would probably be Dit or Ditzion
Guy1: Bruh i saw Ditzie passed out in a tree again.
Guy2: What a dumb ass hoe lol
A name for a popular fabric design with a usually white background and many randomly placed small colorful flowers. You would see this pattern on something light and fun like an Easter dress or your grandma's pillowcase