Source Code

eel chowder

Cum. Ejaculate. Specifically chunky jizz.

I busted a nut full of chunky eel chowder.

by wolfbait51 April 4, 2011

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Kentucky Eel

Kentucky Eel

When a hillbilly lubes up his dong with motor oil drippings from his pickup and fucks a mule.

"Dang, Klem! That-there bacon lube shore got Biff more slippery than a Kentucky eel!"

by Noer February 23, 2012

Slippy Eel

A slippy eel adjective is used to describe someone on the highest level of lurking, able to 'slip' in and out without even being noticed gives them the ability to creep up on you and slip dog the hell out of you. Known for their monotonous voices, pot-bellies and dopey characteristics.

Connor: 'Quick Redders, slip dog's about!'
Redders: 'Ah cheers man'

Neil: (Monotone voice) 'I'm gonna have to dock you for internet use Aaron'

*Neil slips out the room*


Connor: 'His one Slippy Eel'

by RED-CON-HI June 27, 2011

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Squeaky Eel

When you're getting a handjob, and you run out of lube, so you have to use WD-40 instead.

After meeting on Farmer's Meet, and dating for 2 weeks, Jenny finally gave Timothy a squeaky eel behind the barn.

by the gordano June 25, 2016

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Electric Eel

When a guy, alone in a hotel room, masturbates frantically and just before he busts a nut, puts his penis on the nearest electric outlet and ejaculates into it. He receives a very shocking yet pleasurable electrocution throughout his whole body. Recovery time could take up to 30 minutes.

"The electric eel is the best experience I've ever had"

by 2CHAINZZZ September 9, 2012

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milk the eel

Milk the eel means to masturbate and ejaculate semen. The reference is there in Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 06.

I milk the eel into her face and tits.

by sreerag_urban May 8, 2016

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electric eel

Masturbation ending in an electrical orgasm, as semen connects the circuit between an outlet and your dick.

Essentially, you have to masturbate into an electrical socket/outlet and make sure your aim is good.

RJ: Has Pedro been alone in the room all this time?
AM: Yeah. He's probably doing the electric eel.....
CP: When you jack it with your dick in an electrical socket?
TY: Yeah and your jizz connects your body to the electricity so you get a shock.
All: haha he probably is

by miike jones September 9, 2012

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