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french fried skunk

a delicious fried treat eaten by hillbillies and gourmet cuisine connoisseurs alike. for this recipe you will need two skinned and cleaned skunks. make sure to clean out the scum.

wowzers! sarah really does love her french fried skunk!

by isabeela December 11, 2019

French Fries

A codeword for Nik Haug.

French Fries have no balls.

by Ivaaa December 18, 2010

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French Fries Tax

French fries allotted to the person picking up lunch for a group of coworkers.

"I can't wait to collect the french fries tax from my coworkers' fries on the way back to the office."

"Hey, Some of my fries are gone. Ohh had to pay the french fries tax."

by Kajun SS November 15, 2014

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bobbing for french fries

Referring to an individual with horrific facial skin problems.

Ewww.....looks like that guy has been bobbing for french fries (while still being cooked in hot oil).

by Buffy 313 December 2, 2004

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McDonaldโ€™s French fries

The soggy unsalted noodles sold by McDonaldโ€™s

Betty: โ€œ wanna go get McDonaldโ€™s French fries?โ€
Joe: โ€œ you mean those unsalted noodles?, no.โ€
Betty: โ€œohโ€

by Nargoth.theripper July 2, 2020

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french fries and ketchup

Anal sex where blood comes out of the anus

"Would you like some French fries and ketchup bend over"

by Baseballer41648 February 17, 2014

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Chicken Nuggets & French Fries

When a man is receiving oral sex and the woman lifts the man off the ground, using nothing but his genetalia and her mouth

"I got a Chicken Nuggets & French Fries from this girl, and hit my head on a lamp"

by Dr. Shmergelhopper III May 19, 2010

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