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The local gathering of close friends, typically at a communial bench, to smoke marijuana and have indepth conversations about various topics.
Originated in Alton

Hey, are we greebing tonight?

by Dylan S-C December 31, 2021


When you feel greeby, and want to greeb

Alternative forms: greebo, greebed, greebing, grub, grobben, groob

"I'll play the Pot of Greeb!!!" - Greeby person
"I be greebing and shit" Greebo

by Enderguy January 18, 2025


Any type of colors with greyish and greenish shade combined.

The color greeb naturally occurs in nature when green paint oxidizes and that does'nt make any sense at all.

by General Finny April 1, 2020


When you

I be greebin all over the water supply.

by Ewat83 April 19, 2021


A euphemism for sex

Man 1: Hey honey

Woman 1: Yeah dear?

Men 1: Lets get a babysitter for the kids and greeb (greebing)

Woman 2: Oh Darling *Kiss

by BoxWords December 17, 2024


The latest colour. Greeb. It's for green greedy bitches, next time to see them you can call them a greeb.

That person over there is stealing my chicken fingers, what a greeb.

by Aqua Owlie March 6, 2022


Someone who loves drugs more than their mum.

Person 1 - "Aye pass the zoot back cuz."
Person 2 - " Nah g. "
Person 1 - " You're a proper greeb mate."

by Getglitched3 August 21, 2015