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An option for parents who are too poor for private school. Basically these folks think the entire outside world other than the 700 Club, their megachurch and Wal-Mart is corrupt and sinful. A example schedule for a home schooler:

9:00-11:30: Bible Study
11:30-1:30: Discussion of the latest James Dobson/Rick Santorum book
2:00-3:00: Seminar: "Why Negroes are evil and sexually promiscous and why Jesus tells us to hate them"
3:00-4:00: Daughters: lesson in cooking, sewing or houskeeping
Sons: Math, Science (Young Earth Creationism), History (White Christians rule, everyone else deserves their suffering), Government (why Democrats are Satanic), or English.

Person A:I am homeschooling Madison and McKaylynn because the Bible tells me to...you can't be a Bible-believing Christian otherwise

Person B: I went to public school, go to church every Sunday and try to live my life in a manner that would please God. I've read from Genesis to Revelation--I don't remember seeing that.

Person A: Ok, I really did it because I was afraid they would date black guys and I didn't want them exposed to n****r whore 10 year olds like the one who said my husband raped her. That slut!

by Proud Prep School Grad May 9, 2006

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It’s like going to school but at home. You obviously don’t have to spend 7 hours sitting down in a hellhole. You’d learn more at home than school (which is kinda true.)

Homeschool - Can also be referred to - Homeschooled - Homeschooler(s)

I was homeschooled
He was homeschooled.

The homeschoolers might not afford school.

by Spritish Channel February 28, 2020

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Homeschooler - noun

A homeschooler is someone who learns primarily at home. They can take online classses and go to co-ops. Homeschoolers are not necessarily annoying or dumb. Alot of them just want a classical or advanced education. Assuming all homeschoolers are dumb and annoying is rude and hurtful. Additionally, not all homeschoolers are antisocial and not all sit at the kitchen table with their mothers doing english.

She is a homeschooler because the school cannot provide enough math for her.

by TheRealKnowerOfWords October 8, 2019

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Someone smart enough to get out of sitting through the daily 7 hours of bullshit our nation calls "school". Generally the all-around coolest people ever, along with being the best educated element of society.

Typically hated by governments who want to indoctrinate youth, and clueless fucktards who secretly wish they didn't have to go to school either.

Damn! That homeschooled guy just got laid twice last night! Too bad the guys who go to school are socially inert, castrated sheep, or they could have some fun too...

by Homeschooled And Proud November 5, 2005

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Source of much incest.
Socailly mal-tarded shut-ins with poor hygiene and agoraphobia.

Graduation involves family oriented group grope followed by a reasonably priced meal at Denny's.

The Homeschool Graduation was a gala event with Little Susie giving the Incestatorian Speech while Cleft Lip Larry was the Valedick-torian. Then we had the family sampler at Denny's.

by sillyputty_02 November 24, 2006

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From ages 5-25 they can only make conversation with people ages +40 (aside from their own sibilings).

Females from ages 5 to their death, wears a combination of the following: Flowery table cloth like vest, long sleeved button up shirts, 9 inch zipper back-pocketless jeans (Generally a 3 inch gap between the bottom of the jeans & the top of their boots), long baggy jean-skirts with a ruffle around the bottom.

Males wear either a tucked-in all the way buttoned polo shirt or a tucked-in t-shirt with a german shepherd on it. Also wears annoyingly tight jeans or khaki dockers (all of which are tucked into their socks).

You will know within 10-seconds of an encounter with any random person if they are a homeschooler.

by Andy December 6, 2005

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Child (or young adult) whose parents are fundamentalist rightwing conspiracy theorist nuts. All public schools are jammed with atheist liberals, drugs and horny degenerates. Parents are generally losers so they can't afford private school. Child is generally unvaccinated, smelly, naive, bad teeth, barefoot, chews tobacco. Child gets out of the house once a year in their long gingham dress for the "March for Life (anti abortion event)." Child can assemble an assault rifle blindfolded faster than a marine. Quite ignorant, but generally knows higher mathematics well (up to the times tables). Has the Old and New Testaments memorized except for the Gospels. Boys are on the fast track for Bob Jones, Liberty, Wheaton, Grove City or any "Bible College." Then on to a career in a GOP presidential administration. Girls become brood mares and homeschool their children. All of them will vote for Donald Trump. Some will grow up to be Nazis or Ku Klux Klan. Others will graduate valedictorian of their homeschool class.

Love these homeschoolers; they gonna Make America Great Again!

by Louie^2 April 28, 2018

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