Source Code


A school where most girls there are treeshes, and school thots, while the boys be acting gay asf, and makes you swear they ain't gay. Most teachers be yelling and be teaching you almost nothing that's gonna contribute to your career.

Person 1: "I wanna go to I.S.383! It's a gifted and talented school right?"

Person 2: "DO NOT GO THERE. Only go there if you want the girls to act retarded and shit. You could look at their snap and see the retarded shit they post. 'Inspirational' quotes, men and women crush days, and duck mouth selfies."

Person 1: "Oh ok I change my decision."

by AnonymousX_ November 14, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A school where most girls there are treeshes, and school thots, while the boys be acting gay asf, and makes you swear they ain't gay. Most teachers be yelling and be teaching you almost nothing that's gonna contribute to your career.

Person 1: "I wanna go to I.S.383! It's a gifted and talented school right?"

Person 2: "DO NOT GO THERE. Only go there if you want the girls to act retarded and shit. You could look at their snap and see the retarded shit they post. 'Inspirational' quotes, men and women crush days, and duck mouth selfies."

Person 1: "Oh ok I change my decision."

by AnonymousX_ November 14, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Blow Me While I Shit. A fancy name for a blumpkin. Also called "BMW I Series"

Hey, pal, go test drive a BMW I.S.

by Phat Bastid 00 February 17, 2005

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p.s/i.s 163

it means low on budget and the teachers who work in the school are retarded

MRS.saban: EvErYoNe in p.s/i.s 163 kNoWs aBoUt YoU GuYs
Everyone in 802: shut up avatar.

by Some guy at 163 January 22, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

BITCH BOY i.e. Bicycle Boy

The Bitch Boy, prominate worldwide. Also commonly known as Bicycle Boy in P.C. FL.
~Noun~ The Bitch Boy is a grown man who has all but mastered the role of a Mr. Nice Guy. The Bitch Boy claims fictional overachievements or blatent abuse but in all honesty. He borrowed that car, mooches off his momma, stole the already stolen bicycle he jets around on, and never has held a job long enough to file a tax return. The Bitch Boy will try to bleed you dry and will throw toddler tantrums and try to physically intimidate you when boy aint getting his way. If you dont feed the flame of b.b's dramatics he'll eventually vanish into his next role but if you call 1800mylilbrother the boy will run home to momma a bit faster.

Bitch Boy i.e. Bicycle Boy

*Damn, ive never seen him around here before!

~๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ถ.. um you don't want that...he's a bitch boy, his momma came in yesterday trying to hunt him down after he stole his grandmammas wallet. He's always outside begging but dont ever see that bitch ass bicycle boy peddling to work. Your cars locked, right?

by HeyMisti April 15, 2022

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Itchy Eye Syndrome

The sudden urge to want to rub your eyes for hours upon hours usually the symptoms of being extremely high.

Your I.E.S always has you scratching your eyes and not passing the blunt!

by Stew Padasol February 13, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


I.e is the way a kitten named Ivy would pronounce her own name

Daddy: Hi, what you doing?
Kitten: Ummm i no no!

Daddy: Oh.. What your name?

Kitten: My name i.e

by January 5, 2023