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Ahh you can’t forget about this horrible as school with teachers giving you a U or a S just for not wearing uniform and they care a lot bout there stupid uniform that has no drip at all.oh yeah let’s not forget about how there’s so many hoes like don’t date anyone in that school it’s like a 3 week relationship. DONT GO TO THIS SCHOOl

Dang bro your just like is383

by Is383sucks February 13, 2020


A place where girls coochie itch and start smelling like tuna 🤡 A place where a gay faggot like me can somehow talk to straight boys idk lol 🦕

is383 is fishy stanky.

by StankyFishyTingz November 16, 2019

10👍 2👎


A place where people be dating they friends ex’s and teachers care more bout your sweater and uniform than your education type valid

Is383 is the worst and is ass

by Hdhdje November 13, 2019

16👍 7👎