Source Code




Rapper- Yo Yo Bra bra,word
Chav1 - whats he saying?
Chav2 - Who cares

by LIveonfire October 27, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cacophany of terrible sounds pretending to be music. The opposite of rock.

Rap blows. I thought 50 cent was the price tag and I was still outraged.

by Coombop February 27, 2008

66๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rap is the product of extremely unintelligent, musically inept idiots that have jumped onto a bandwagon of extremely unintelligent, musically inept idiot clones. An entire genre of morons who are insanely jealous of the REAL musicians of the world that can actually SING or play an INSTRUMENT.

These 'rappers', idiots having no identifiable skills or talents whatsoever, have gone so far as to invent their own unintelligible language, (having ran out of REAL words to rhyme with...) creating a need for a website such as this.

That's right, this website... dedicated to inventing definitions for the cRAP that comes out of their mouths.

These 'rappers' and their clones have invented their own retarded image of what they consider 'cool', which consists of wearing extremely baggy clothing in the most ignorant and laughable ways possible. Hats upside down and backwards or cocked to the side, pants pulled down around the ankles with boxers pulled up above their nipples.

Meanwhile... in mansions far far away...

White businessmen nationwide are making BILLIONS OF DOLLARS off of these idiots, ALLOWING these rap "artists" to believe that their crap is some sort of "rebellious musical uprising", when in reality, these idiots are blindly programming their fellow 'rapping population' that a car just isn't a car unless it has the most insanely expensive (ehem) pointlessly dumbass rims possible.

Oh, yeah, and if you spend all your rap money on retardedly huge gold rings and watches and chains, (bling) you'll be the super duper most awesomest pimptatious blackalicious cool rapper evar!!!

Idiots. Let's add up how dumb you are.

HOW HARD IS IT... to sit down and write a few paragraphs filled with rhyming words? They don't even have to be REAL WORDS! Idiots! To top it off, (as if it weren't already easy enough...) you don't even have to learn to play an instrument! There's NO SKILL INVOLVED! AT ALL! NONE! ZERO! ZILCH! NADA.

It's a freaking DRUM MACHINE for god's sake. You PUSH BUTTONS to make a beat. WOWWW! Neat! You're a REAL musician now, huh! Oh, hey... don't forget to steal parts of songs from real musicians! That way, you won't have to bother learning that wack six-stringed thingamabopper that dem white muh-fuckas play. Juz loop it an den iz all good, nawmsay'n.

Pretend like it's yours.

And let's not forget the incredible messages you convey with your mastery of the microphone's on/off switch: "Thong th-thong thong thong. Yago make me lose mah mind up in eah... up in eah! Yago make me act a FOOL up in eah."

Hey. Don't blame Yago. You do it to yourself. You ignorant bastards.

All of you. Each and every crap 'artist' out there.

Oh, and that's a swell walk you've got goin there. Did the dumb drip down into your leg, setting you off balance?

Big booty shakin in da hizzy dizzy fizzy fo shizzy.
40oz. drippin from my lips, glocks be fulla clipz.

Insert an "aww yeah" and "uhh huh" between every 6 and 8 words, allowing for the 'n-word' between every 3. I know, rap sucks.

And I simply cannot stress this enough... if at ANY POINT you have the opportunity to replace an 's' with a 'z', juz do it. "Izzle" be yo friend yawmsay'n?


by HarvesterOfSorrow December 27, 2005

267๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


The musical equivalent of someone taking a shit.

Why does it feel like someone is shitting in my ears when I listen to Rap?

by Pantallica20 September 19, 2020

37๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


What is wrong with American society.

The "cool" 14 year old listened to rap and, in doing so, ruined his brain.

by jerry18 July 3, 2010

35๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A horrible genre of music that makes black people specifically black men look bad. The reason it is horrible is not because of the music itself but the culture that is associated with it. It is everything that is wrong with the african american community. It is one of the reasons that blacks are not doing as well as whites (not because the white man "brings us down") We bring ourselves down. It also spreads the stereotype that ALL black people listen to it, overshadowing the blacks who have varying taste in music. It is also one of the reasons that blacks (particulary males) who are educated, speak well, don't walk down the street screaming out rap songs, dress nice and are respectful of women are looked down upon by their own race and called "oreos" becasue they don't like rap. Rap may be a unique form of music that is associated with african american culture but the culture it creates is one of the worst things to happen to the black community. Oh yes, I am a BLACK guy who speaks well, dresses nice, is respectful and DOES NOT LIKE RAP.

I listen to classical music, draw in my spare time, like going to museums, appreciate fine design, reading and respecting women for who they are, not what can be done physically to them and want to be wealthy and successful in a way that does not involve drugs, basketball and rap. Because this is OPPOSITE of what rap says a black man should be, I am disrespected by my own race and called names like oreo and gay because of this, and black women don't want to be with me. And people wonder why I am sometimes pissed that I have brown skin. The reason surely isn't "The white man!"White people are nicer to me than my own race!!

by Matt2 March 24, 2007

183๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


I dont realy know much shit bout rap but i know that loads of people have different interpretations of the meaning. I heard by one of my friends whos been a MC for around 8 yrs that it means (Rhythmic Artisic poetry. Common is what you call a rapper, Kanye is what you call a rapper, because they talk like poets in their lyrics. Others like 50 cent......What a fucking dickhead....I think he's sooo hypocritical...I think i have only heard 1 or 2 songs in all his albums that say something positive like ''too much violence or get rid of guns.'' He always cares about how gangsta he is or how much of a badboy he is, and how much cash he can fit in his trousers. Rappers like common and Kanye West are who i look up to. On Kanye's album, he has one song where he is talkin bout how much he cares for his mum, and what she has done for him when he was a child, and so on and so forth.....Do you ever see 50 cent doing that..NOO
The music industry is one of the biggest industries in the world....So we gota do sumin special with it...Not just talk bout how much of a badman someone is?...Thats probaly how Ja rule and 50 got into Beef with each other, By being violent, or cussing each other.
I live in England and most people over here are MC's. They always chat about how much cars they have and how much of a badman they are. Its soo silly...YOu cant make it in the music business by saying how much of a gangsta you are....it's been brought up from Gangsta rap....I fucking hate it.
Its true that violence sells.It realy does...Anti-violence music does sell...a little bit...But its nothing compared to violent music....Im trying to figure out how the fuck we're gona get the violent music out of the business. If anyone else has anything to comment on my entry, please do. Feel free.....

I dont have no rap examples

by Disciple89 November 7, 2005

209๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž