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A really boring place

don't get arrested by cops with an unfair advantage. U will go directly to jail. U will not pass go. U will not collect two hundred.

by Snoopers snippets May 16, 2016


Slavery of the 21st century in the United States.

Major corporations would rather invest in building more prisons than education and/or employing more people with health benefits.

Oh, let me go buy some thongs so I can support their Secret mission in building more jails.

by Picking a Name Is Hard July 5, 2007

150πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


A place where they lock up people longer then they should be for sumthin not even that bad..................

His ass is in JaIl cuz he broke probation and ya know what? I actually miss him...................

by SeXtRiSt March 2, 2004

73πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Timeout for adults.

Guy: Damn, I remember when I got timeouts in preschool, jail is just the same.

by Cape Horn June 5, 2010

39πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


An act, someone or something that could get you in trouble with police

No don’t do that it’s too jail.

That man is so jail, don’t mess with him.

by Camalamadingdong March 14, 2018


A naughty room for naughty adults.

The cops said I've been misbehaving, so they sent my ass to jail :'(

by Firelovesugar March 30, 2011

41πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The place where your ass hole gets bigger and bigger by each day that passes.

While having to serve 2 years in jail, Joe's hole got wider and wider by 3 centimeters per month.

by Milf-inator March 10, 2009

34πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž